Wednesday, February 06, 2008

CNN Hits The Wall for the Election | This is the latest in Election Reporting gear. Once I saw how the multi-touch worked, I knew it would be seen on TV. This is a great example of how computers can make things more interesting. It almost made the election coverage worth watching. I am just looking forward to the day when I can have one of these in my house and I can see the results myself. CNN would be sad then, since I would no longer need to watch. I wrote about a similar display back in the 2004 elections.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

This image resizing and manipulation demonstration is sort of jaw dropping, particularly as the video goes on. Check it out.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Jeff Han on TED Talks | This has to be the most amazing video I have seen in a while. This would completely change the way people would interact with computing. This is an amazing way to push the computing edge.

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