Thursday, March 27, 2008

FRONTLINE: bush's war | PBS. This, I believe, is a must see for anyone interested in politics. I caught the first hour or so on PBS the other night and was amazed. Frontline does some great investigative reporting and the production of the show is amazing. I encourage everyone to watch this so we can know what to avoid in the future. Get out and VOTE!

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X-Files Trailer Previewed | SciFi "Chris Carter, who co-wrote and directed the upcoming X-Files sequel film, offered fans a glimpse at a rough cut of the trailer for the movie, which featured the new tagline 'Believe Again.'" Soon we will be able to see the trailer for real. I can not wait.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Watch out, you're being watched | Seattle Times Newspaper. A surprisingly honest report from a border agent. This is what we need in America, more people explaining how things work and why they are good. I still do not agree with all this monitoring, but talking about it is a start.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Douglas MacKinnon: No place for partisans on NASA, space exploration | Houston Chronicle. I could not agree more. I see space travel as highly important for our science, math and educational system as a whole. We need to keep pushing the technology and exploration. We are just now able to see some of the benefits that came from the space race. I would hate to see the next president push politics in front of science, innovation and space exploration.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Amazing Underground USSR Sub Base Photos | Dvorak Uncensored. This is a pretty amazing creation. Things like this that were built during the cold war, are quite interesting to me know. It is interesting how we are now seeing the hidden secrets of the cold war era coming into the light. I watched a Nova a couple weeks ago on a Russian space station that was a giant spy camera. It was really interesting.

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