Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Court Strikes Down Key USA PATRIOT Provision | A great victory for freedom and privacy today.

Sweet! Apple .Mac has now increased the storage space they have on the default plan. I wish they would bump it to 1 gig but 250 MB is very nice.


Mars Rover Tracks Spotted From Space | Universe Today. Take a look at the new pictures that show the rovers tracks. Very cool.

Newer High-Capacity IPod Battery | Yahoo! News. Need a new iPod battery? Here is a great alternative.


I.B.M. Supercomputer Sets World Record for Speed | Looks like we have regained the speed record.

SpaceShipOne blasts off | CNET Looks like the first private spaceship is due to make another flight.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Phone Lines Deliver Next-Gen TV | Wired News. Looks like not too long before we can all have video on demand.


Bridget Jones | the new trailer for Bridget Jones is out. It looks just as good as the first.


Alpine ships car stereo iPod interface | Yahoo! News. Looks like it is about time to get a new car stereo.

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Watch Out for the Harvest Moon | Take a step outside tonight just after Sunset and watch the beautiful Harvest moon rise.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Conan O'Brien to Succeed Jay Leno in 2009, NBC Announces | Looks good for Conan. I wonder if it will be "Tonight with Conan O'Brien" now.

Monday, September 13, 2004

SIU Trustees approve 3% salary increase plan | SIU News. Yeah I get a raise.


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Hard drive with 23,000 Social Security numbers disappears | Computerworld. Here is a smart one. They passed a law similar to this in Illinois last year. Luckily most of our machines are leased.


Welcome back to work. It was a long weekend of home improvement for us. We spent the weekend working on Amber's Grandma's new/old house. We are renovating it before she moves in. It will not be long now till we have three houses in a row. We are starting our own little subdivision.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Appeals court slams garage door DMCA claim | SecurityFocus. This is great news. The court still have some work to do but we may just see the end of this DMCA law.

Computers taken hostage | Here is one opinion on the work we did. I would like to think that most of the students are happy with our work. Most of the students I have talked to are happy with our work.

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