Student Permit Requirements
Students who park a vehicle on University property (this includes the Edwardsville, East St. Louis and Alton campuses) must purchase and display a SIUE parking permit on their vehicle. Permits are available for sale online, in the Parking Services Office (RH 1113) and by mail.
Spring 2025 Student Permit Info [pdf]
Hours of enforcement are Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Open parking is available in all non-residential lots after those times and all-day Saturday and Sunday. Residential lots are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If anyone is found guilty of parking hangtag misuse, they may be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by serving up to one year in the Madison County Jail and/or up to a $2,500 fine.
- Alter it
- Sell it
- Purchase one from anyone other than Parking Services
- Use someone else's
- Duplicate/Copy it
Commuter Student Parking Permits
The minimum permit requirement for a commuter student is a Red Permit (valid in the Red lots anytime, Blue and Brown lots after 3pm). Students also have the option of purchasing a Brown Permit (valid in the Brown or Red lots anytime), there is a limited number of Brown permits sold annually. Additionally, students may purchase an Evening Permit (valid in the Red lots anytime, Blue, Brown and Green lots after 3 pm) if they have evening classes or wish to park closer in the evening to study, attend meetings, etc.
Only one permit is sold per student.
Residential Student Parking Permits
The minimum permit requirement for residential students is a Yellow Permit (valid in the Yellow, Red lots anytime, Brown and Blue lots after 3pm). Residential students also have the option of purchasing a Brown Permit (valid in the Brown or Red lots anytime, there is a limited number of Brown permits sold annually). Additionally, students may purchase an Evening Permit (valid in the Red lots anytime, Blue, Brown and Green lots after 3 pm) if they have evening classes or wish to park closer in the evening to study, attend meetings, etc. If you are a residential student and purchase a Brown or Evening permit, a University Housing sticker will be affixed to the permit by Parking Services so that it will be honored in the residential lots.
Only one permit is sold to residents living in the residence halls and Cougar Village. Additional permits may be sold to residents living in family housing.
Evening Permits (Silver)
Evening permits are sold to students with evening classes or students who wish to park closer in the evening to study, attend meetings, etc. Evening permits are valid in the the Red lots anytime and Blue, Brown, and Green lots after 3pm.
Permit Sales and Registration
Prior to the beginning of the fall semester, Parking Services sends an email to all students with purchasing options, registration deadlines and permit prices. A copy of the most recent communication can be found here (which will download into a PDF).
Parking permits may be purchased annually or by semester. Semester permits will be sold as a supplement to our regular annual permits and are intended for those who will be students for a single semester. If you will be here longer than that, the annual permits remain a better value. Both fall and spring semester permits are honored during the succeeding summer term.
Permits must be displayed with the permit number facing outward from the rearview mirror. If the permit won’t fit on the rearview mirror, it may be placed face up in a prominent location on the vehicle's dash.
Motorists must remove their permit from their rearview mirror when driving. Illinois Vehicle Code states, "No person shall drive a motor vehicle with any objects placed or suspended between the driver and the front windshield, rear window, side wings or side window immediately adjacent to each side of the driver which materially obstructs the driver's view."
A copy of the parking permit registration form may be downloaded here. Please note, there are no refunds for parking permits once they have been purchased.
Students may register for one of the lotteries for the option to purchase a limited number of permits to park closer to the core campus. The Green Permit Lottery is held prior to the beginning of each fall semester. Students must select if they want to sign up for Lot A or Lot E. Only one entry is allowed. If a student isn’t selected, they may then sign up for the Bluff Hall or Evergreen Hall Lottery. These lots are closer to the buildings on the west side of campus. If you are a residential student and obtain a Green permit through the lottery, a University Housing sticker will be affixed to the permit by Parking Services so that it will be honored in the residential lots.
Approximately three weeks into each term, Parking Services conducts a census of the parking lots on campus and will hold additional lotteries if space is available.
Lottery signups can be found here.
Designated motorcycle parking is located in most lots on campus. Motorcycles may not be parked in automobile spaces on the Edwardsville campus with the exception of "pay-by-space" spots, provided payment is made. Only one motorcycle may be parked in a single space. Properly registered motorcycles may be parked in automobile spaces on the Alton and East St. Louis campuses. Each motorcycle must be parked in a lot which corresponds to the color of the permit. Motorcycle owners may display their permit in a locked case attached to the handlebars. If they also own a car or truck, they may display the case from their rearview mirror. The initial case is free, additional cases are available for $25.
Overnight Parking
Overnight parking is permitted in the residence halls and Cougar Village parking lots only. Authorized overnight guests in the residence hall or Cougar Village may park in areas normally reserved for residents (see “Guest” section for more information).
Non-residential students on official University business which requires them to leave a vehicle on campus overnight may do so at the Supporting Services parking lot (Lot S). Each motorist is also asked to provide University Police with a description of the vehicle and the estimated time and date of return. Other than the residential parking lots reserved for students, overnight parking on other lots is not allowed. Overnight parking arrangements for individuals employed at the East St. Louis Higher Education Campus or the School of Dental Medicine may be made through Parking Services.
Disability Permits
Students who have a permanent or temporary state-issued disability hangtag, parking card or plates are also required to purchase and display an SIUE parking permit in order to park in accessible spaces on campus. Vehicles with appropriate permits may only park in accessible spaces when the individual with the disability is the driver or passenger in the vehicle.
For a short-term disability, a 30-day temporary SIUE disability permit may be issued by the University. A current SIUE permit is also required. Vehicles displaying an SIUE disability permit are allowed to park in regular spaces closer to the buildings, but this does not authorize an individual to park in a designated accessible space. Students must bring a physician's statement to Parking Services to receive a temporary permit.
Should the need persist after 30 days, the individual may request two more 30-day temporary disability permits with a new doctor's note for each additional permit. For high-risk pregnancies, a 90-day temporary disability permit may be issued if supported by a doctor's note.
Due to Covid-19, all Carpools and Vanpools have been suspended to promote social distancing.
Replacement Permits
If a person has lost their permit or it has been stolen, they must come to Parking Services and fill out a form reporting it lost/stolen. If the permit is reported lost, a replacement permit may be purchased for $20. If the permit is reported stolen, they must file a report with the SIUE Police department. There is no cost for replacing a stolen permit. Only one replacement permit will be issued per academic year. Additional replacement permits must be purchased at full cost.
Refunds for parking permits will follow the same schedule found in the SIUE Tuition Refund Policy.
Temporary and Occasional Driver Permits
If an individual forgets their permit or normally doesn’t bring a vehicle to campus (i.e., bus, bicycle, car pool), they may purchase a temporary permit. Temporary permits may be purchased online, at the Parking Services office on the Edwardsville campus, at the Director’s Office on the East St. Louis campus or at the Business Office on the Alton campus. The cost for a temporary permit is $3 per day. The temporary permit must be printed and displayed on the dash of the vehicle. The individual may pay to park at a pay-by-space machine or meter until a temporary permit can be obtained.
Break Periods
There is open parking for students in the Red and Yellow lots the first week of the semester and the week prior to it. There is also open parking in the Red and Yellow lots during semester break periods when classes are not in session.
Non-Credit Students
Special permits are available for individuals taking non-credit classes through the Office of Online and Education Outreach. These permits must be ordered through the Office of Online and Education Outreach at least two weeks in advance of the start date of the non-credit class and are not available to current SIUE students or employees. Permits are day, time and lot specific.