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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences
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CAS Minority Academic Programs, Area Studies, and University-wide Diversity Services

In addition to providing students with traditional courses, the College also offers students the opportunity to study in the minor programs listed below. Students interested in pursuing a minor in any of the above programs should contact the program director indicated in the area of interest.

African Studies (Minor)
The is an interdisciplinary minor with the central goal of developing students' knowledge and understanding of African people, their land, history, culture, economy, socio-cultural institutions, traditional power structures and the African Diaspora.

Asian Studies (Minor) .......................................

This is an interdisciplinary program that introduces students to the diverse cultures, histories and societies of Asia.

Black Studies (Minor) .......................................

This program comprises a field of knowledge that concentrates on African American progress and well-being. In the process of modernizing black studies to address twenty-first century challenges, the program seeks to produce useful, culturally distinct, and forward-thinking projects. The program also offers students opportunities to develop or enhance their intellectual capabilities and problem-solving skills by collaborating on the implementation of research and interactive projects designed to benefit citizens in the region.

European Studies (Minor)

This is an interdisciplinary program drawn from subject areas in the social sciences and the humanities. The courses focus on Western and Eastern Europe.

Latin American Studies (Minor)
This is an interdisciplinary program drawn from the subject area of Spanish and courses in the Social Sciences and other Humanities. Students are exposed to courses which focus on Latin American culture, history, politics, the environment, economics, and the arts.

Native American Studies (Minor)

Peace and International Studies (Minor) ..........

This interdisciplinary minor allows students to pursue a particular concentration of courses related to the international community.

Religious Studies (Minor)

Women's Studies (Minor)

This interdisciplinary minor emphasizes gender perspectives and contributions of women. It offers opportunities to explore attitudes and values, achieve a unique understanding of the roles of men and women in society, and develop new attitudes and expectations.

University-wide Programs and Initiatives on Diversity

Other university-wide programs that promote diversity include:

Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

This office is responsible for developing a recruitment and retention program including specific diversity initiatives to recruit and retain underrepresented groups. It is also facilitates a campus climate where the diversity among the faculty, staff and students at SIUE is embraced, appreciated and celebrated.

Student Opportunities for Academic Results (SOAR)

This is a university-wide academic program dedicated to helping students excel in their educational experience. Students receive academic advising, free tutoring and mentoring.

G oal-Oriented African-American Males Excel (GAME)
GAME is a component of Student Opportunities for Academic Results (SOAR), a university wide academic program dedicated to helping students excel in their educational experience. GAME is a two credit, two-semester leadership development course offered only to an elite selection of 20 African-American freshmen males.

Project Females of African-descent Modeling Excellence (F.A.M.E.)

Project F.A.M.E. is a university-wide program that offers females of African descent a chance to develop skills for college success by creating a supportive environment. Students are challenged to enhance their academic skills through classes in study skills development. Students are encouraged, via field trips and classroom instruction, to participate in programs that promote cultural awareness, social development, spiritual enlightenment, and positive self-esteem.

Office of International Programs

The Center for International Affairs coordinates international activities and collaborative efforts. The office works with faculty, students and staff in the areas of international programs and international services.

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