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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences
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Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences Internationalization and Diversity Initiatives and Resources website. The site seeks to extend CAS commitment to promoting internationalization and diversity. It is created to accomplish the following goals:

  • communicate faculty initiatives, projects and accomplishments in the areas of internationalization, diversity and multiculturalism
  • highlight CAS efforts to internationalize, diversify and promote multiculturalism within the college and beyond
  • provide resources to faculty and students interested in internationalization, diversity and multiculturalism
  • provide a guide for departments for recruiting minority faculty and students

Please take a moment to explore further the remarkable accomplishments of CAS faculty in the areas of internationalization and diversity. Use the links on the left of the page to access desired information.

For faculty involved in any form of international and/or diversity project or initiative that is not included in this database, please send us your information by completing the Add My Initiative or Project Form. We will include your project.

If you are interested in knowing more about the College's efforts to promote internationalization, diversity and multiculturalism, contact us by email or call us at (618) 650-5044. If you are considering joining us as an entering student, either as a freshman or a transfer student, you can reach the SIUE Admissions Office at 1-800-447-SIUE.

We hope that you will find the information and resources useful.

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