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College of Arts & Sciences
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Dr. Mike Shaw

Department: Chemistry

Country of Origin: Canada

Language(s) Spoken Other than English: Some French. Better with written than oral. I can't access the vocabulary fast enough to carry on a decent conversation. I have this problem to some extent in English, too

Areas of Research Interest: Inorganic and Organometallic electrochemistry

How Long Have You Been in the U.S.? Since 1993, citizen in 2010

How Long Have You Been at SIUE? Since August 1998

What Do You Like Most About SIUE? I was attracted to SIUE because of the vibrant faculty, the availbility of facilities to support my research, and the primarily undergraduate nature of the institution.

What Do You Find To Be the Biggest Difference Between the U.S. and Your Home Country? I am English-speaking and originally from Quebec, so having everything in English is very nice. Canadians and Americans have very different ways of interacting, and it takes time to get used to the constant self-assetion you have to do so as to fit in here.

Interesting Facts: I will share some information in exchange with coffee

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