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Dr. Dennis Mares

Department: Sociology and Criminal Justice

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Language(s) Spoken Other Than English: German, French, and Mestreechs (a combination of German, French, and Dutch)

Areas of Research Interest: Impact of climate on weather and crime

How Long Have You Been in the U.S.? Since 2000

How Long Have You Been at SIUE? Since 2007

What Do You Like Most About SIUE? SIUE has great overall support for our faculty in terms of research and teaching.

What Do You Find To Be the Biggest Difference Between the U.S. and Your Home Country? The size, the U.S. is immensely large and empty compared to a small and densely populated Holland.

Interesting Facts: Dr. Mares has never worn wooden shoes, but he used to date someone who lived in a windmill.

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