SIUE Upward Bound Program Ends Successful Summer with Food and Thanks
From learning more about COVID-19, to critical thinking regarding racism, to preparing for college, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center’s Upward Bound (UB) EC/BEM program students delved into these topics and more during Zoom sessions during the summer.
The sessions, which began Monday, June 15, ended Friday, July 24 with program participants receiving complementary lunches and gift bags in a socially-distanced fashion at the East St. Louis Higher Education Campus. The program serves high school students in East St. Louis, Cahokia (EC) and Brooklyn, the SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School, and Madison (BEM). Approximately 100 students participated in the summer session.
“This year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our instructors and counselors conducted online summer sessions,” said UB Assistant Program Director Lenesha Moyegun. “We also visited the homes of our students and left materials they needed on their porches or at their front doors. I’m glad to say things went extremely well for our first online summer session.”
“Our students were excited and eager to continue their learning through the summer,” said UB Program Director Keith Ware, EdD. “Our Upward Bound staff delivered sessions that were timely, educational and well prepared.”
Some summer sessions included:
- “COVID-19: Understanding the Virus,” taught by UB science teacher Akiya Perry. Students analyzed the differences between signs and the symptoms, and safety precautions for the coronavirus and the common cold.
“Exploring African American Literature from the Harlem Renaissance,” taught by UB African American Literature instructor Cierra Wourman. Students reviewed the writings of Zora Neale Hurston, Ida B. Wells, Langston Hughes and a current Black author of their choice.
- “Race, Class and Gender in Nonfiction,” taught by UB counselor Azizat Danmole. Students looked at how race, class and gender intersect. They discussed such topics as the pink tax, colorism and classism.
- “Mindfulness,” presented by UB counselor/recruiter Gary Traylor. Students discussed and practiced the benefits of “being in the moment” and dealt with such subjects as “My Changing Family,” “Core Beliefs,” “Values Clarification” and “Why Am I Grateful?”
- “Current Events,” presented by UB counselor Norman Robinson. Students looked at topics concerning racial equity, policing of Black Americans, the difference between protestors, rioters and looters, and the shift of some star high school athletes choosing to attend historical black colleges and universities (HBCUs) instead of predominantly white institutions (PWIs).”
“Economic Literacy,” presented by UB graduate student Luis Barrios. Students focused on establishing economic goalsthat will provide adequate income and personal fulfillment, understanding personal financial planning and money management skills and understanding personal and societal consequences of financial.
Each of the students were treated to a gift bag with various items such as gift cards, candy and snacks. Lunch was provided by Vails Brothers Food Truck & Catering of St. Louis, owned and operated by Eric and Wilbert Vails.
The SIUE East St. Louis Center Upward Bound programs help youth prepare for higher education and serves students from East St. Louis and Cahokia (EC), and Brooklyn, East St. Louis Charter and Madison (BEM) High Schools. Participants receive instruction in literature, composition and STEM subjects on college campuses after school, on Saturdays and during the summer. The quality services provided will prepare the students for successful high school completion and entrance into post-secondary programs. Upward Bound is a college-preparatory program designed to serve low-income and/or potential first-generation college students who are currently in grades 9-12.
SIUE Upward Bound EC/BEM student Kennedi Johnson receives her lunch at the end of the summer session.
UB student Tamyra Hues is delighted to receive her gift bag from UB Assistant Program Director Lenesha Moyegun.
(L-R): Enjoying the day are Moyegun, Johnson, Hues, UB student Kameron Johnson and UB Program Director Keith Ware, EdD.