A variety of resources are available to you as you reserve your space for next year. If at any time, you have a question please visit the Central Housing Office or contact us at or (618) 650‑3931.
Please use the list of references to help you understand the types of space available to you, where buildings are located, and how to complete online forms. Let us know if you have any questions.
Types of Space available in Cougar Village and Evergreen Hall
Cougar Village Buildings map
Cougar Village room diagrams and dimensions
Evergreen Hall room diagrams and dimensions
First Year Residence Hall (upperclass wing) room diagrams and dimensions
Returning Resident Housing Application - Every resident is required to complete the online Returning Resident Housing Application and pay the $200 advance payment by the priority deadline (January 26, 2024) to reserve a space for the 2024-2025 academic year. The online application will be available from October 16, 2023 – January 26, 2024. Students who do not submit the application and payment by the priority deadline (January 26, 2024), will lose the opportunity to go through the reservation process and select a space online.
Cougar Village Homesteading is the opportunity for current Cougar Village residents to reserve the space they currently live in by themselves, with one or more of their current roommates, other University Housing residents or a new Housing resident. Residents that wish to switch from a shared space to a private space or from a private space to shared space cannot participate in this process.
Evergreen Hall Homesteading is the opportunity for current Evergreen Hall residents to reserve a non-specific space by themselves, with one or more of their current roommates, other University Housing residents or a new Housing resident. For example, residents can reserve their current type of space, i.e. 4 person suite, but they cannot reserve a specific unit.
Open Space Selection Process is the process where residents choose space at Cougar Village and Evergreen Hall. This includes those who already live in Cougar Village or Evergreen and wish to change to a different type of space, i.e. shared to private or private to shared and those moving from Bluff, Prairie or Woodland Hall into Cougar Village or Evergreen Hall. Residents who decided to homestead or applied to live in an upper-class wing do not participate in the Open Space Selection Process.