Tuition Waiver Policy
Tuition waivers for coursework at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville are awarded according to the following guidelines:
- Tuition waivers will be awarded in semester hour increments depending upon the requirements of the various field experiences: observations, pre-student teaching clinical practice, 8-week student teaching placements and 15-week student teaching placements.
- Building principals will be awarded a 3-semester-hour waiver for hosting five (5) or more licensure-seeking teacher education candidates in their building per year.
- Waivers are disbursed when the cooperating professional returns any required evaluation forms.
- Waivers are valid for three semesters following the semester in which the student placement occurred. For example, if a waiver was issued for a student placement in the fall of 2022, the waiver could be used for coursework taken in the Spring 2023, Summer 2023 or Fall 2023 semesters. No extensions will be granted under any circumstances. Lost waivers cannot be replaced.
- Tuition waivers cover tuition only. The enrolling student must pay any other fees associated with the course.
- Waivers are issued to cooperating, licensed professionals for use by the recipient and only transferable under the following specific guidelines:
- Teachers not able to use a waiver issued to them should surrender it to their building principal or another licensed employee of the district.
- If the waiver has not expired, the waiver may be transferred to another licensed employee in that school district by completing Sections II and III of the Tuition Waiver Form.
- The waiver holder must bring the completed Tuition Waiver Form to School of Education, Health and Human Behavior Dean's Office (Box 1049) or the University Service Center (Rendleman Hall, Box 1047) when they wish to pay their tuition bill.
- Only state-licensed educators (including paraprofessionals, teachers, school support personnel and administrators) who have been admitted to the University as graduate students may use tuition waivers. The waivers apply only to graduate-level course work. Tuition waivers may not be used for doctoral-level programs.
- Only 12 hours may be used per person toward a given program, and a maximum of 6 credit hours may be applied in a given year.
- Waivers that have been sold, altered or fraudulently transferred will not be honored and the enrolling student will be billed for the full tuition and fees.
- The University has the legal authority to release the name and address, the name of former high school or college, and the name of the award and award amount. This release if valid for the period of time the tuition waiver is in effect.
- Verification and issuance of tuition waivers will be by:
Interim Associate Dean
School of Education, Health and Human Behavior
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Box 1049
Edwardsville, IL 62026
- Verification and issuance of tuition waivers will be by: