Students/Interns: Cameron DeWitt
February 18, 2022

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville graduate student Cameron DeWitt wasn’t sure what he wanted to do after graduating with his bachelor’s in political science. “I knew I wanted to do something where I could have a positive impact on others,” DeWitt said. “I found that in the field of public administration I could develop leadership skills and fulfill my desire to help others in a variety of ways.”
The MPA program at SIUE was the perfect fit for DeWitt because it seemed highly beneficial towards pursuing his career goals and he could focus his studies on a certain area such as human resource management. So far, DeWitt’s favorite course is Managing Problem Employees. “It has been really interesting to think about the different ways to handle complex situations and difficult employees in the workplace.”
Although his current career goals are to work in human resource management, DeWitt has gained an interest in other career pathways such as local government administration. Recently, he started an internship at O’Fallon City Hall where he works closely with the administration and human resource department. “I have already become enlightened on many aspects concerning the functions of a local government,” said DeWitt. Thanks to his supervisors, he’s being provided with many hands-on opportunities in areas he’s not familiar with. “Additionally, I’m gaining valuable experience in human resources that I can use to further my career goal of working in human resource management.”
Learn more about earning your MPA at SIUE:
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