Accessible Furniture Requests
Academic Scheduling makes every attempt to accommodate classroom furniture needs prior to the start of each semester. The majority of classrooms are equipped with at least one ADA accessible desk/table. Academic Scheduling makes note of these furniture pieces when inventory is completed prior to the start of each semester.
Requests Prior to Start of Semester
When ACCESS is aware of furniture needs for students registered with their office, a spreadsheet is sent to the Academic Scheduling email account ( during finals week prior to the start of the semester (approximately 2-3 weeks before the semester begins). The spreadsheet includes student name, classroom, day of the week, time, instructor, class, furniture need, last checked and notes.
If the necessary furniture is not already in the classrooms based on the inventory, Academic Scheduling requests furniture is moved from storage into the classrooms by Facilities Management prior to the start of the semester.
Requests in Classrooms not Managed by Academic Scheduling
If furniture needs are in rooms that are not general classrooms, Academic Scheduling will forward those requests to the appropriate departmental contact for accommodations. Academic Scheduling will assist with these requests and furniture needs to the best of their ability. Academic departments and offices that manage their own classrooms may need to purchase accessible furniture to meet students’ needs. If Academic Scheduling is able to loan accessible furniture to departments, those departments will need to pay Facilities Management to move the furniture from storage into the classrooms.
Temporary Requests and Those Received After the Start of Semester
If students are not registered with ACCESS, or if furniture needs are based on temporary accommodations that occur later in the semester (i.e. pregnancy, broken bone, etc.), or if furniture needs are not noted until after the semester has begun, those needs should be directed to Academic Scheduling via email ( as soon as possible. These requests can come directly from professors, departmental contacts or ACCESS staff. The email request should include all the same information above: student name, classroom, day of the week, time, instructor, class, furniture need and notes. Academic Scheduling will accommodate requests as soon as possible. After the semester has begun, it may take a few days for requests to be accommodated because Academic Scheduling will request that Facilities Management retrieve the necessary furniture from storage and then move it into classrooms while classes are in session.
Students who are not registered with ACCESS are encouraged to do so, as desired and necessary, to utilize services in the future and to have their furniture needs addressed prior to the semester beginning.