SIUE Engineering Students Place First in Regional Blackbox Competition
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville engineering students saw great success at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers St. Louis Section Blackbox regional competition held on Saturday, Oct. 29 at Washington University in St. Louis. Students competed in teams of two to analyze a mystery circuit and were tasked with figuring out the circuit details.
SIUE students Jaya Chitrakavi and Alex Abernathy placed first in the Analog Blackbox competition and Kelsey Haines and Izzy Lamonte placed third in the Digital Blackbox competition.
“We are extremely proud of our student's performance,” said Amardeep Kaur, PhD, associate professor in SIUE’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “This competition gave our students a chance to put their skills to the test and use their knowledge to come up with the mystery circuit details.”

The SIUE students received a monetary prize and SIUE will host the competition next year.
Photos: (L-R) Evan Fitzgerald, analog coordinator, Alex Abernathy, Jaya Chitrakavi and Amardeep Kaur, PhD.
(L-R) William Long, digital coordinator, Kelsey Haines, Izzy Lamonte and Amardeep Kaur, PhD.