Angel Tree Campaign Open for SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School
The assignment this year is the same as in the past, but with some extra cheer and joy for the students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS).
It is hoped that donations will surpass last year’s for the Angel Tree campaign, according to Anne DeToye, CHS treasurer. This year’s goal is $12,000.
“Students will receive a Swag Box that includes CHS logo apparel, a novel that is part of the school-wide book read and snacks,” said CHS Director Gina Jeffries, EdD.
“We will also purchase such essential items as food, coats, shoes, school uniforms, personal hygiene products and school supplies for our neediest students,” said DeToye.
The entire CHS student population qualifies for free breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch Program. “Our students have great needs and must overcome obstacles just to come to school ready to learn,” she added. “Angel Tree helps to meet some of those needs and prepare our students for school.”

“Our CHS Scholars’ are fortunate every year to have Angel Tree gifts to look forward to,” said Jeffries. “We are grateful to our stakeholders for partnering with us.”
“People have spread the word to their friends, families and organizations,” offered DeToye. “In previous years, some SIUE offices have adopted our Angel Tree campaign for the holiday season.”
“Our goal is that each CHS student has a happy, fulfilling holiday season,” she said. “By fostering a sense of larger community during their high school career, I hope our scholars feel welcome and invited to continue their education at SIUE.”
To donate, please visit and for more information, contact DeToye at
The SIUE Charter High School is a school-of-choice for families in the East St. Louis School District 189. The mission of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School is to prepare students who are career- and college-ready upon graduation. To achieve this mission, the school and its staff will positively impact the educational and economic lives of East St. Louis, Illinois youth through individualized instruction in core academic subjects, exploration of career interests and aptitudes, assistance in realizing students’ talents, high academic goals, and expectations that graduates will become competitive employees for the 21st century.
Photos: SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School seniors celebrate their graduation day.
Black Gentleman Entering Manhood (GEMs) students participate in CHS’s annual Pi Day. (L-R): Damien Johnson, CHS and GEMS instructor Mr. Greg Laktzian and Sharrod Baldwin.