First-Year Students Move in to Their New Home Away from Home at SIUE
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville was filled with new, smiling faces as first-year students began moving into their residence halls on Wednesday, Aug. 17. Move-in activities for first-year students continue Thursday, Aug. 18, with returning students arriving Friday-Saturday, Aug. 19-20. In total, more than 2,650 students will live in University Housing in fall 2022.“It has been a great day,” said University Housing Director Mallory Sidarous. “We are incredibly excited for this new class, and we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day to help them through our move-in process and get settled in their new living spaces. The energy of our returning student volunteers and staff is carrying over to our new students. It is motivating and beautiful to see the campus filled with vibrancy ahead of the fall semester.”
More than 200 volunteers, including faculty, staff and students, are helping stream line the move-in process.
“Moving is a little stressful as any life transition will be,” said Lucia Knapp, of Breese. “This is my first time moving so it is a new experience. I am thrilled to be here. Even though there may be a few tears, it will be great. I am excited to be an SIUE Cougar.”
Fellow first-year student Takhara Scott, of Chicago, shares Knapp’s abundance of emotions, however she is looking forward to finding community and pursuing a nursing degree at SIUE.“I came here to achieve my goals,” said Scott. “I am excited for my new journey and to go around campus and get involved with different activities and make new friends.”
University Housing Resident Assistant Cameron Coleman was positioned outside Prairie Hall to welcome students and their families to campus and help them get comfortable in their new home away from home.
“It has been a busy day,” Coleman shared. “Seeing all of our new residents and getting to meet them all has been great. You can tell students are eager to start their college career here at SIUE.”
First-year students will enjoy a series of events and activities through the week and weekend as they prepare to begin academic coursework on Monday, Aug. 22. The SIUE Experience will help the students build community, become acquainted with campus and prepare for a transformational journey toward degree completion.
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Photos: Returning SIUE students help welcome and load up carts of arriving first-year students.
SIUE first-year student has help from her mom moving into SIUE’s Bluff Hall.