SIUE Nurse Anesthesia Program Raises $24K at Top Golf Networking Fundraiser
With golf season in full swing, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s School of Nursing (SON) hosted its inaugural Nursing Anesthesia (NA) Networking Night and Fundraiser at Top Golf in June. SON alumni, students, and clinical partners had the opportunity to connect with one another while showing off their golf game.
The fundraiser sold out, with more than 150 people raising over $24,000 to go toward state-of-the-art equipment for the NA Lab at SIUE.

“This event was the first high-volume networking event allowed since prior to the pandemic. The anesthesia community was ready to meet each other again in a face-to-face format,” said Leah Baecht, DNP, CRNA, APRN, assistant director and instructor of nurse anesthesia. “The outpouring of support for the NA program and lab from the SIUE NA alumni, and clinical and corporate partners was overwhelming. Everyone in attendance was incredibly generous with their investment in training current and future generations of nurse anesthetists.”
The SON’s NA program delivers a first-rate clinical experience to students by offering a broad spectrum of clinical experiences in diverse settings. The NA program has experienced explosive growth over the last few years, which has called for expanded equipment in the simulation lab.
“Funds raised from the event will go toward the purchase of a Glidescope with a bronchoscope system,” said Baecht.“Proper placement of an endotracheal tube under direct laryngoscopy (airway intubation) requires a high level of skill and training. It is imperative the students become familiar with this equipment during their anesthesia training. Our simulation lab offers the ideal practical learning setting to master such skills”For more information on SIUE’s premier nurse anesthesia program, visit
Photos: A group of nursing supporters gather at the SIUE Nursing Anesthesia (NA) Networking Night and Fundraiser.
(L-R) Kevin Stein, CRNA, DNAP, chair of the School of Nursing’s Department of Nurse Anesthesiology, SIUE alumnus, Frank Grasso, CRNA.
Networking Night and Fundraiser attendee plays a round at Top Golf.