SIU School of Dental Medicine Commencement Celebrates Class of 2022
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Chancellor James T. Minor, PhD, conferred doctor of dental medicine (DMD) degrees upon 55 graduates of the SIU School of Dental Medicine during their commencement ceremony held Saturday, June 4 at the First Community Arena at the Vadalabene Center on the Edwardsville campus.
“You are a special group,” said SIU SDM Interim Dean Duane Douglas, DMD. “During the last four years, you have put in many hard hours and distinguished yourselves through academic achievements, the delivery of high-quality dental care, community outreach and service efforts and research accomplishments.”

The SIU SDM Class of 2022 was celebrated for having achieved a remarkable 100% first-time pass rate on the Integrated National Board Dental Exam, a distinction earned for the second year in a row.
During the ceremony, Minor thanked the Class of 2022 for the privilege to serve them and praised their resiliency through the pandemic.
“None of us could have predicted that our lives would have been changed in so many ways due to a pandemic,” he shared. “But, I believe there has been a valuable lesson to be learned about the inevitability of change. Life is, after all, about change. As you go forward, I encourage you to expect change. I encourage you to embrace change, anticipate change and induce change in the interest of becoming a better professional, a better human being, and the best demonstration of the power of an educated citizen. Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment and thank you for choosing SIUE and the SIU School of Dental Medicine!”

The keynote speaker was Kathleen O’Loughlin, DMD, MPH, a nationally-recognized leader in the health care, nonprofit and education sectors. O’Loughlin recently retired after more than 12 years of service as the first female executive director of the American Dental Association (ADA), the nation’s leading advocate for oral health.
In keeping with tradition, the graduating class chose one of its members to serve as the student speaker. The Class of 2022’s Eric Kubacki was selected, and offered fellow graduates a timely and uplifting address.
Douglas concluded the ceremony with five pieces of advice:
Always strive to perform the best dentistry that you can and to continue a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and excellence
- Treat both your patients and your staff with the utmost respect
- Maintain a moral compass, striving to do what is right
- Maintain a social conscience, and share your expertise with those less fortunate
- Return the love and support to your family and friends, which they have already given to you through the efforts and sacrifices made in helping you reach the successful completion of your dental degree
A recording of the SIU SDM commencement ceremony livestream is posted at
Photos: SIU SDM Class of 2022.
SIU SDM commencement keynote speaker Kathleen O’Loughlin, DMD, MPH.
Brianna McArthur was among the graduates of the SIU SDM Class of 2022. She holds her diploma with SIUE Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Denise Cobb, PhD, (left) and SIU SDM Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Saulius Drukteinis, DMD (right).
(L-R) SIUE Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Denise Cobb, PhD, SIU SDM Interim Dean Duane Douglas, DMD, student speaker Eric Kubacki, DMD, and SIUE Chancellor James T. Minor.