SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School Students Back in the Classroom
Like countless of other students across the nation, attending school in-person is something that Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS) student Bryce Shanklin has wanted to do for more than a year.
Shanklin, along with 39 other CHS scholars, began in-person instruction on April 5.
“I missed being in school. I wasn’t doing good online,” said Shanklin, a junior. “I like coming, because I get one-on-one help. I also wanted to see my friends and teachers.”
To better serve East St, Louis families, CHS adapted a back-to-school, in-person teaching format that is modeled after the state, according to CHS Director Gina Jeffries.
“We welcomed in-person scholars back excitingly,” said Jeffries, “after being on remote learning status since March 17, 2020.”
CHS is offering hybrid or blended learning, where one-third or 40 students receive in-person instruction, while the remaining learn remotely.
“With the East St. Louis community still being heavily affected with COVID, we gave families the opportunity to choose either in-person or remote learning,” explained Jeffries.
Scholars report to school in-person Monday-Thursday. Some students are assigned to attend “a.m.” classes, while others are designated for “p.m.” classes.
CHS instructors are in-person two days a week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. While teaching in-person, teachers also give instruction remotely. Friday is a remote day of learning for everyone.
“Students who are in-person interact by being logged into their Chromebook,” emphasized Jeffries. “It’s a live classroom that is interactive and is being streamed virtually. Being in the classroom is still helpful for some of our scholars. It is a safe place for socialization and interacting with others, and it is an opportunity to seek out different resources.”
One recently added CHS resource is Saturday School Lab that runs 9 a.m.-noon on designated Saturdays, and is overseen by CHS Interim Assistant Director Pamela Saffore. Parents must register their children for the lab by contacting Saffore at
“Saturday School Lab has been well received,” noted Jeffries. “We wanted to create an opportunity outside of the in-person Monday-Thursday schedule for our scholars.”
CHS may continue Saturday School Lab as part of its efforts to help students “catch up.” The school year will end for CHS on Monday, May 24.
“I think we are in the same boat as other schools,” shared Jeffries. “Ideally, the best route for all scholars is in-person instruction. We will be spending the next few years in supplementing education for CHS students. We are going to make sure our scholars have non-traditional avenues in order to get caught up.”
“What keeps me going are the teachers, and especially Dr. Jeffries,” added Shanklin. “I like her positive attitude. She keeps you uplifted. She will always be on your side. She’s not going to look at things in a bad way. I like that.”
The SIUE Charter High School is a school-of-choice for families in the East St. Louis School District 189. The mission of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School is to prepare students who are career- and college-ready upon graduation. To achieve this mission, the school and its staff will positively impact the educational and economic lives of East St. Louis, Illinois youth through individualized instruction in core academic subjects, exploration of career interests and aptitudes, assistance in realizing students' talents, high academic goals, and expectations that graduates will become competitive employees for the 21st century.
CHS mathematics instructor Agathe Ilunga helps CHS junior Damien Johnson.
CHS mathematics instructor Anna Turner explains a concept to CHS senior Tyrese Gomiller.