SBDC at SIUE Supports Opening of Profile by Sanford in Glen Carbon

The Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for the Metro East at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is proud to support its client, Profile by Sanford, in the opening of a new location at 146 Junction Drive West in Glen Carbon.
Owner Kevin Hill announced, “We’re extremely excited to bring this new weight loss and health coaching program to the area. Sanford Health is a well-known, highly-respected organization, and its team of health experts has pioneered this program, which focuses on nutrition, activity and lifestyle.”
Profile by Sanford’s program pairs a scientific approach to weight loss combined with one-on-one nutrition coaching. Profile designs a personalized weight-loss plan based on each person’s goals, health conditions, personal preferences and DNA. Each Profile member works closely with a certified health coach who guides them through their weight loss journey and helps members incorporate long-lasting lifestyle changes. Profile’s plan includes proprietary, nutrient-rich foods combined with widely available grocery items from day one. Over time, as members change their approach to nutrition, more grocery foods are added, to replace the Profile foods.
Profile is also at the forefront of utilizing technology as part of the program, including the use of 3D body scans, DNA testing, a WiFi Smart body scale for every member, and a members-only progress tracking mobile app. Although originally developed as an in-person coaching platform, Profile has adapted during the pandemic by offering virtual coaching sessions, contactless body measurements, curb side pick-up and delivery.
Hill credits the assistance he received from the Illinois SBDC for the Metro East and Director Jo Ann Di Maggio May. “Starting a new business venture is challenging enough, never mind trying to get one off the ground during a pandemic,” he said. “Jo Ann and her staff have been great at providing guidance and pointing me in the direction of additional information and resources. The SBDC at SIUE is a phenomenal asset. My only regret is not introducing myself and working with them sooner.”
“Mr. Hill came to us eager to learn and open to ideas that could help his company,” Di Maggio May shared. “His energy and positive attitude made it easy to work with him, and I immediately was drawn into his business. It is a pleasure to work with Kevin. I look forward to seeing his establishment grow!”
“Thousands of people have seen success on the Profile Plan, myself included,” Hill concluded. “The partnership between our members and coaches helps develop skills and behaviors for long term success. We’re looking forward to bringing this new weight-loss concept to the Glen Carbon/Edwardsville area. Our store is conveniently located at 146 Junction Drive West between PetSmart and Office Max.”
For more information, visit