September 5, 2000
SIUE Ads To Air During 2000 Olympic Games
If you're planning on watching the 2000 Olympic Games, put down that remote when the commercials come on. Otherwise, you'll miss the ads for SIUE.
The university has purchased several 15-second ad spots during the first week of the Olympics (Sept. 17-24) being televised locally on KSDK-TV, Ch. 5. Four different ads focus on the University's attributes. "The goal is to build the university's image and awareness among a greater audience in our regional area," said Pat Williams, vice chancellor for Development and Public Affairs.
"The ads are not necessarily for recruiting purposes, although image awareness-building and maintenance certainly promotes recruiting, relationship-building and community relations." Williams said the ads for the Olympics continue an emphasis on TV ads that began in August on KMOV-TV, Ch. 4, and continued in September on KSDK.
"From a purely practical standpoint, this was an outstanding 'buy' for us," Williams said. "The two TV stations brought very affordable ad packages to us. Development and Public Affairs worked with Admissions and Graduate Studies to build and fund the original ad concepts. It definitely was a team effort.
"The Olympic ad package seemed like a natural extension of our efforts from earlier this summer."
Cardboard Boat Regatta, Music, Sports, Food All Part Of Cougarfest 2000
Cougarfest 2000 promises to be more fun than a barrel of, er....uh, well, cougars!
The Cardboard Boat Regatta will make a comeback on Cougar Lake, good food will be available, and live music and soccer will keep Korte Stadium hopping, all from Friday, Sept. 29 to Sunday, Oct. 1.
Here's a schedule of events:
• Friday-
Men's and Women's Soccer plays host to St. Joseph's at Korte Stadium, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., respectively; Volleyball plays host to UM-St. Louis at the Vadalabene Center, 7 p.m.; Alumni Hospitality Tent at Korte; Toga Contest for students at soccer games.
• Saturday-
Activities begin at 10 a.m. and continue throughout the day, including food and activity booths at Korte, with a chili/BBQ cook off; the annual Alpha Phi Fiesta Bowl Football Tournament on two fields at the Korte complex; the Cardboard Boat Regatta at Cougar Lake Recreation Area, campus tours conducted by STARs, special open house/activities in various university buildings, including the new B. Barnard Birger Hall; Construction Alumni Softball Game at the stadium complex, SIUE Alumni Soccer Game, SIUE Alumni Baseball Game. Booths will close at 6 p.m. The Capitol Steps, a nationally known comedy troupe from Washington, D.C., will perform at 7:30 p.m. in Meridian Ballroom as part of the Arts & Issues series. Visit the Arts & Issues Web site for ticket information. A 7 p.m. concert at Korte will feature Otis Day and the Knights, the blues band from the hit movie, Animal House.
• Sunday-
Men's and Women's Soccer play host to IUPU-Ft. Wayne at 12:30 and 3 p.m., respectively, at Korte.
Check out the Web site.
What Does It Take To Be A Student Survivor?
-Eric Voss, Aug. 23, 2000
Good afternoon. Welcome to SIUE and the adventures of university life. I have been looking forward to today for several months, but perhaps not for the reason you may think. Yes, I do enjoy the relief of the approaching cooler autumn weather. Yes, I am always re-energized by the arrival of new students on campus. Yes, I do love teaching classes, and working with student researchers in the laboratory. These are all reasons to celebrate, but the real reason I have anticipated the arrival of Aug. 23 is that tonight is the final episode of the hit CBS show, Survivor.
I am almost ashamed to admit that I am completely addicted to the show, and I am not alone. Last Wednesday evening, 28.7 million Americans tuned in Survivor, and more are expected to watch tonight. On May 31, the producers placed 16 contestants on a desert island near the Malaysian section of Borneo. Contestants have had to scrounge for their food, build their own shelter, and participate in various physical and intellectual challenges. Every three days they are required to vote one of their own off the island, and the last one left after 39 days wins $1 million. The show is so hot that CBS is charging Super Bowl-sized ad rates of $600,000 for a 30-second spot.
What is most fascinating about the show is that those most likely to survive when stranded on a real desert island were among the first to be voted off. Although highly entertaining, so-called "reality TV" is not very real. Sonya, a true survivor of cancer was the first voted off, quickly followed by B.B., the millionaire real estate mogul, and Stacey, the San Francisco attorney. Ramona, a member of my own profession, chemistry, was the next to fall. Although highly trained in real wilderness survival, contestants Gretchen and Greg were also among the first to go. Many realized much too late that the most important skills needed to stay on the island were not wilderness survival skills, but the skills of effective human social interaction. This may explain why corporate trainer and "Tagi Alliance" leader Richard is among the final four survivors.
Here at SIUE, you are not a member of the Tagi, Pagong, or Rattana tribe, but are a member of the university community, and your adventures as a student will be much more interesting than those on Survivor island. As a university student you will not have to eat rats or larvae, sit next to a naked guy, or encounter "immunity" or "luxury challenges," but you will have challenges nonetheless. Like contestant Dirk, your beliefs may be questioned by those around you. Dirk chose a Bible as his one luxury item to bring onto the island, spent much of his free time discussing his faith with the other contestants, and purposefully left the Bible behind for them to read when he was voted off. Will you stand up for your beliefs or go along with the crowd? Another contestant, Joel, made sexist comments to the women of the tribe and was quickly voted off. How will you deal with those around you making sexist or racist remarks? Jenna and Gervase, both single parents, had to cope with an extended stay away from their children. In fact, Gervase's fourth child was born while he was away on the island. What strategies do you have to balance the responsibilities of family and school? Greg and Colleen found romance on Survivor island, though their behavior jeopardized their chances to win. How will you balance social and academic pressures? You will certainly meet lifelong friends while here, and may even find your future spouse while at SIUE.
Your success in university life depends on your ability to adjust to the freedom of independent living and the responsibilities of being a student. If you look carefully at the Survivor logo, there are three words around it: "Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast." Survivor contestants who have followed these "rules" most effectively are among the last to remain. These guiding words can also apply to the adventures of university life. Let's look at them one at a time.
Outwit: Think about the primary reason you are here. SIUE is an educational institution, and the main reason you are here is to get an education. Although there are other aspects to campus life, don't forget your obligation to academic studies. Like the first to be booted off Survivor island, the first students to leave SIUE are those who have not recognized the real skills needed to survive. They may have been extremely successful academically in high school, but fail to recognize the added challenges of college classes. When I teach CHEM121a, the chemistry course required for all science and engineering students, only about half of the class "survives" to the end of the course with a grade of C or better. I am not happy about this fact, but it is not unique to me as the teacher, nor to chemistry courses at SIUE. My personal belief is that for many students, chemistry is the first of many rigorous university courses that require disciplined daily study. Once a student has mastered the problem-solving skills and study habits necessary to succeed in chemistry, they are well prepared for future science courses. A rough guideline we recommend is to study two hours outside of class for every one hour in class. For CHEM121a, a four credit-hour course, that means four hours in class, and at least eight more outside for a total of at least 12 hours per week studying chemistry. The most successful students have told me they often spend even more.
Outplay: Unlike a deserted island, there are many opportunities for play at SIUE. During your time here, don't miss out on the many available activities. You may wish to cheer on the Cougars at an intercollegiate athletic event, visit an art exhibition, or attend a concert. Perhaps you will form an intramural team with friends. For social fulfillment you may choose to join a fraternity or sorority, or a faith-based fellowship group. There are also many community service organizations you can become involved with. If you want to meet someone famous, the Arts & Issues series features distinguished speakers and performers. A good guide to what is happening on campus is the campus newspaper, the Alestle. Remember that education is not limited to the classroom, and you are early on in a lifelong learning process.
Outlast: For the Survivor show, the 39 days on the island were just the beginning of what contestants had to endure. Each contestant was required to sign a contract that very specifically stated the rules they must follow during the media blitz after the broadcast of the show. If they reveal the identity of the winner, they will be sued for $4 million, and they are not allowed to publish a book based on their experience for at least three years. You too have a contract of sorts with the university and that is the SIUE Undergraduate Catalog. Answers to many of the questions you will have in the coming years are contained in this book. To last to the completion of your degree, you will need to fulfill certain requirements in general education and in your major, and they are all outlined in here. The catalog contains academic policies and requirements, financial information, degrees and programs offered, the SIUE statement of objectives, and a wealth of other information.
When I was asked to speak today, I thought back to my first year in college. It didn't seem too long ago until I realized that the year I started college was the same year that many of you were born, 1983. To you, 17 years has been your entire life. Much has changed since I started college, and we live in a world of rapid change. When I started college, my brother Brian, a computer major, wrote all of his programs on punch cards that he submitted to the university mainframe computer. Now most students have a computer of their own. In 1983, the Arpanet was a U.S. Defense computer network used by a handful of Cold War scientists for swapping military data. Today it has become the Internet, which is used by millions all around the world. My residence hall room had a phone, but it had a rotary dial and the cord only reached about 10 feet. Now students can be seen talking on their cell phones as they walk across campus. Remarkable change is evident in every field of study, and as an educated citizen you must be prepared to continue to learn and to expect the unexpected.
Let me give you an example from my field, chemistry. When I entered college in 1983, it was believed that there were only six forms of carbon, the most common being forms of graphite and diamond. Both graphite and diamond have structures consisting of extended three dimensional lattices of carbon atoms. At that time, if I had suggested the possibility of a molecular form of carbon, my general chemistry professor would have laughed at me. A few years later, in 1985, Richard Smalley and Robert Curl at Rice University isolated a brand new form of carbon consisting of 60 carbon atoms in a discrete molecule shaped like a soccer ball. They named the new molecule buckminsterfullerene, in honor of F. Buckminster Fuller, the Southern Illinois architect who designed the SIUE Religious Center. An entirely new branch of chemistry developed, with consequences in such diverse areas as astrochemistry, superconductivity, and materials science. In recognition of their discovery, Curl and Smalley were awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which they shared with collaborator Sir Harold Kroto.
This Monday on his morning radio broadcast, The Osgood Files, news commentator Charles Osgood reminded us how sad it is that more people are involved in following the Survivor show than are interested in the Presidential election. Osgood will be at SIUE on Friday, Oct. 20, as part of the Arts & Issues series, and I look forward to what he has to say about matters more important than Survivor. Although the winner of the Survivor show is a closely guarded secret, I have heard rumors that in one of the last immunity challenges the four remaining survivors will answer questions about the 12 castaways who have been voted off the island. Ironically, in a contest that has been dominated by dirty playing and outright lying, the only way to win is to have cared enough to listen while the others were still around. During your years at SIUE, don't make the mistake of losing focus of what is really important, and try to "Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast" with more dignity than those who were stranded on Survivor island.
Change Is In The Works For Dining Services On Campus
Bill Canney was born to serve. "I started my career as a waiter, and food service just got into my blood," he says. "It's what I love to do-serving people, working with people, presenting food."
In spring, Canney joined SIUE as the assistant director for Dining Services, which means he is the man behind the exciting changes going on in campus dining-such as the Skywalk Food Court, located between Founders and Alumni halls.
Since his days as a waiter, Canney has developed an impressive track record in the food service industry, including 14 years as the food service director at the University of Pennsylvania. He's also won numerous awards for designing healthy menus for college dining services.
"We were looking for someone who could take dining services to the next level," says Morris University Center Director Mary Robinson. According to her, Canney was tailor-made for the position. "We had extremely high expectations for where dining services was headed, and when these expectations were shared with Bill, he matched our enthusiasm and our interest. Our chemistry as a team excited me.
"Bill also has the teaching capabilities needed for this position. His job won't just entail putting menus together. Dining Services employs more student workers than any other department on campus, and a large part of Bill's job will be to train and supervise these students."
That's not a problem for Canney. "I love dealing with college students," he says. Already, Canney has been talking with students to gain a feel for the kinds of food most needed on campus. "I've spoken with Indian students to develop recipes that will address their needs. We're working on vegetarian items, ethnic items. "Of course, we'll keep items like burgers, fries, and pork on the menu. Those are the foods (many on campus) want-their part of the Midwestern food culture.
"But, my intention is to bring a uniqueness and a variety to campus dining. Things will change week to week, month to month."
Canney's ever-expanding offerings include a fresh fruit bar, specialty bars, and a spice rack, where diners can add extra flavor to their food. In the near future, students also will be able to access a computer program that will do a nutritional analysis of their meals. "What I'm really hoping to work toward is improving the perception of food service on campus," Canney says of the changes he's implementing.
"I want to increase the quality of freshness. I want to increase the show."
"The show" is something Canney talks about with enthusiasm: "The food will be cooked in front of the customers, made to order. So, if you order a panini-a grilled Italian sandwich-it's going to be grilled right there in front of you; you're going to see it come straight off the grill onto your plate."
In addition, Canney and his staff are doing away with what Canney calls the "institutional feel" of campus dining. "We're doing away with the reliance on stainless steel, making the dining areas into restaurants instead of cafeterias."
Adds Robinson: "We want to move beyond just providing basic sustenance by providing more well-rounded offerings. People are on the go. They're eating out so much these days, and the traditional fast-food campus meal is not what they're looking for now."
Associate Professor Pedals Coast-To-Coast In 52 Days
As an associate professor who teaches exercise physiology, Kay Covington pretty much has to practice what she preaches, and she did that recently when she pedaled a bicycle nearly 4,000 miles across the United States in 52 days.
Covington and 65 other cyclists began the cross-country trek June 3 by placing their rear bicycle wheels in the Pacific Ocean at the Golden Gate Bridge and ended it July 25, dipping their front wheels in the Atlantic Ocean at Portsmouth, N.H. What occurred in between was an exciting experience Covington says she won't soon forget.
"I have ridden several bicycle tours over the years, increasing my distances," says the 45-year-old Covington, who teaches in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. "This one was quite a challenge. The longest tour I'd done before was a 1,400-mile trip on the Alaska Highway last summer."
Covington said the first third of her recent trip was not too eventful, even though it included one day of climbing 8,300 feet for 73 miles. "We eventually crossed the Sierra Nevadas, the Rockies, and went over the Continental Divide, and then crossed the Salt Lake Desert," she said. "But, it wasn't until we left Topeka, Kan., July 1, on our way to St. Joseph, Mo., that I encountered problems."
Covington had been away from the humidity of the Midwest for about a month before this part of the trip and she found herself dehydrating. "I had to get off my bike and lie down every so often because I couldn't replace the fluids in my body quickly enough.
"It was the worst day for me on the tour," she said. "But I went on from there and was OK after that."
Of the 66 cyclists on the tour, Covington said, a 74-year-old rider was hit by a truck, suffering three fractures, and a second rider fell from his bicycle, suffering a fractured clavicle. "I didn't have any close calls with vehicles," she said. "Even though they were close to us, for the most part we were safe."
The trip was organized by America By Bicycle which provided an eight-person staff who assisted the cyclists along the way and transported the group's luggage throughout the trip. With meals and accommodations, each participant paid $4,200 for the experience, an amount that was worth every penny, according to Covington.
"The point was to see America from a bicycle," she said. "We had an itinerary but we didn't necessarily all have to be together every minute, so there was time for some sightseeing.
"Any touring cyclist will tell you it's their dream to ride across the United States," Covington said. "I guess I could have done this trip by myself, but it would have been a lot more stressful and not near as much fun. We all bonded with this common goal."
As for the memories, Covington said it's been hard to articulate what it all meant to her. "I was able to observe how this group responded to the strenuous exercise, but I'm not planning to use it for any research. However, I will share the experiences with my students and incorporate the experience into my teaching.
"I had such a good time; it was bittersweet when it was over," Covington said. "The day-to-day interaction with the people was important; we became family. It was special."
Golf Coach Waits For Adjustments To Improve
The SIUE women's golf team began the 2000 season last Friday at the Kentucky Wesleyan Fall Invitational in Owensboro, Ky.
Coach Larry Bennett returned one player from last year in junior Spring Riley (Salem). Riley finished with a 94.1 average in 15 rounds of play. Riley is joined this season by a sophomore transfer and seven incoming freshmen.
"We should be better this season, but it will all depend on how quickly the women adjust to college life." Bennett said most of this season would consist of a "wait-and-see" attitude. "We are a young team. Eventually, I will give all the freshmen an opportunity to play this season.
"I just want them to get comfortable playing at the college level."
Volleyball Readies for Regional Play
Volleyball continues its play on the road this weekend when it heads to Midland, Mich., for the Great Lakes Valley Conference/Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Challenge. The Cougars, 3-3, play their first match on Friday at 4:30 p.m. against Ferris State. On Saturday, SIUE faces Northern Michigan and Grand Valley State at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., respectively.
"All three are going to be good regional matches and very competitive," said Coach Joe Fisher. "All three have also gone through significant personnel changes in the past year as well." The Cougars fell to three tough opponents last weekend in Nebraska-Omaha, North Florida, and Tampa but proved they were able to hang with them.
Fisher looks to make some minor adjustments this week and hopes his team is rested for the weekend. "We played well last weekend. I think it showed the ladies they could play with the best teams." Senior Lindsay Rust (Belleville) led the team in kills (51) and digs (45) last weekend. Rust is averaging a team-leading 4.04 kills per game and is second with 81 digs on the season. Junior Shanan McLean (Belleville) also finished the weekend strong with 32 kills and 40 digs. McLean leads the team in digs with 82 and is second in kills per game (2.62). Sophomore Kelly Schaill (Princeton) stepped up last weekend and recorded 30 kills in the three matches. Schaill is averaging 2.38 kills per game and is second on the team in total blocks with 17.
"I was happy with Kelly's offense last weekend. She showed consistency over the weekend and kept us in the matches. She also took some of the pressure off of Lindsay and Shanan."
Men's Soccer Returns Home To Face Lincoln, Christian Brothers
Men's soccer faces Lincoln and Christian Brothers this weekend at home. The Cougars, 1-2-1, play Lincoln on Friday night at 7 at Bob Guelker Field. On Saturday, SIUE takes on Christian Brothers at 7 p.m.
Coach Ed Huneke looks to this weekend to get his team back on track. "These are two games which could help us get on the winning track, if we are at our best and that is what we are striving for."
SIUE finished in a 2-2 tie with Rockhurst and fell 2-1 to Truman State last weekend. "We would have liked to have had better results. However, I was pleased with most of the play against two strong competitors. We won't have many tough weekends like that, so we should be better if we learn from it."
Yuzuru Takami (Japan) and Justin Huneke (Glen Carbon) each recorded their team-leading second goal of the season over the weekend. Cress Maddox (Springfield) scored his first goal. Eric Modeer (Hershey, Pa.) tabbed two assists while Brandon Gibbs (St. Charles, Mo.) recorded his first assist as a Cougar.
Women's Soccer Heads To Truman State Invitational In Kirksville, Mo.
After a split last weekend, women's soccer travels to Kirksville, Mo., to play in the Truman State Invitational this weekend. The Cougars, 2-2, face Central Missouri State on Saturday at 2 p.m. SIUE wraps up the tournament on Sunday against Truman State at 2 p.m.
Coach Brian Korbesmeyer said this weekend would be important. "With two losses on the seasons and playing two regional teams this weekend, it is really important to come out with victories." SIUE defeated Northwest Missouri State last weekend 4-0 but fell the next day to Northern Colorado 3-0. "I was happy with our game against Northwest Missouri State. Northern Colorado put a lot of pressure on us and deserved to beat us. We had no legs in the second half and as soon as our fitness left us so did our concentration."
Sara Decker (St. Louis), Becky Baker (St. Louis), Emily Anderson (Florissant, Mo.) and Tasha Siegel (Collinsville) each scored their first goals of the season last weekend against Northwest Missouri State. Decker also recorded her second assist of the season on the goal by Baker. Melissa Montgomery (Granite City) and Brandy Bradshaw (Quincy) tabbed their first assists this season.
"Emily has played well since stepping into the starting role." The Cougars had two player on the Cougar Classic All-Tournament team. Siegel earned the honors as a back while Colleen Creamer (St. Louis) was named a top forward.
Tennis Season 'Looks Promising'
Without making any bold predictions, Coach Bill Logan can say one thing about this upcoming season and that is "it looks promising" for the women's tennis teams it returns four letter winners, including senior and All-Great Lakes Valley Conference selection Kim Mulherin (Belleville) for the fall season.
In addition, Logan has brought four new players on board. The Cougars finished second last year in the GLVC with an 8-2 mark, reaching the semifinals of the conference tournament before falling to Northern Kentucky 5-2. However, SIUE continued its solid play into the spring season, earning its first NCAA bid since the Cougars won their last of four consecutive national titles in 1989.SIUE went 14-9 overall and finished 16th in the Midwest Regionals.
Mulherin posted a record of 13-9 overall and 8-1 in the GLVC at the No. 2 spot. Logan said Mulherin would move up to the No. 1 position. "I look for her to be the team leader this season." Along with Mulherin, the women's tennis team returns juniors Kelly Wohltman (Effingham) and Gretchen DeLaney (Grafton) and sophomore Keli Keener (Bethalto). Sophomore transfer Laura Zeeb (Greenville) joins the Cougars this season and looks to lock up the No. 4 spot. "She will add more strength to the team."
Freshmen Coryn Reich (Newton) and Amber Stanley (Effingham) and sophomore walk-on Laura Stoeber (Belleville) round out the new players Logan has brought in. "I am very happy with the incoming freshmen and both sophomores joining the team. They will provide additional strength to the team."
Logan believes his team is stronger, making them more capable of taking that next step to a GLVC title. "I think we should be right back in the hunt for the conference title. The team is coming in with more experience."
And, where better to win the conference title at home when the Cougars host this year's GLVC Tournament Oct. 13-14. The first match of the season is on the road on Friday, Sept. 8, against Bellarmine.
Cross Country Beats the Heat
With the first race of the season under their collective belts, Men's and Women's cross country travel to the Washington University Invitational in St. Louis, which begins at 6 p.m. Friday with the women's 5,000-meter run. The men's 8,000-meter run follows at 6:30.
Coach Darryl Frerker said regardless of the heat, both teams had a good start to the season. The men finished third in the SIUE Open last weekend with Jason Olszowka (Lockport) leading the way for the Cougars. Olszowka finished in seventh place with a time of 28 minutes, four seconds. "Jason was up in front where he needs to be."
Frerker was pleasantly surprised with his top five. "Nick Campbell (Charleston) and Steve McNamer (Charleston) stepped up to the competition and filled out our top five." Campbell finished 22nd overall with a time of 29:30 while McNamer was 28th at 29:51. Rounding out the top five for the Cougars are Tyler Krauss (Freeburg) and Robert Old (Hendersonville, Tenn.) with times of 29:15 and 29:47, respectively.
The women finished in second last weekend and were led by Carrie Carducci (Powell, Ohio). Carducci finished third with a time of 20:14. "Carducci looked tough and ran well." Just like the men, the women also had a couple of surprises for Frerker. "LeAnn Lomax (Georgetown) and Maria Ewersmann (St. Paul, Mo.) both ran outstanding races." Lomax finished eighth at a time of 20:52 while Ewersmann came in 15th with a time of 21:46. Lynette Brown (Danville), Breanne Steffans (Moline) and Natalie Kocher (Olney) also finished in the top 20 with times of 21:55, 22:01 and 22:04, respectively.
"The ladies had a better overall race. I was happy with their second-place finish, especially without our two top runners in Amanda Bozue and April Greenwood."
Paquette Exhibition At Morris Gallery Sept. 6-Oct. 9
Paintings by Thomas Paquette, who earned an MFA at SIUE in 1988, will be exhibited from Wednesday, Sept. 6, through Monday. Oct. 9, in the Morris University Center Gallery. The exhibition is titled "Small Works."
Paquette has been an active artist in Portland, Maine, where he resides. A reception for the artist is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday at the gallery. For more information concerning his work and an extensive curriculum vitae, visit his web site:
In addition, Paquette will be giving a demonstration of his landscape painting techniques from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 7, at the entrance to the Donal G. Myer Arboretum on campus.
The exhibition and demonstration are presented by The University Museum, with the support of the Friends of Art.
Orion String Quartet Leads Arts & Issues 16th Season
The Orion String Quartet, one of the most admired chamber ensembles on the international music scene, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14, in SIUE's Katherine Dunham Hall theater as the 16th Arts & Issues season gets under way.
The series has been entertaining Southwestern Illinois audiences at SIUE with distinguished performers and speakers since 1985.
Often hailed for its technical mastery and richness of tone, the Orion String Quartet is led by members Daniel and Todd Phillips, brothers who share the first violin chair, and violist Steven Tenenbom and cellist Timothy Eddy. The quartet was founded in 1987.
Now in its second decade, the quartet performs in the world's leading concert halls and serves as the Quartet-In-Residence at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and at New York's Mannes College of Music.
Arts & Issues Coordinator Richard Walker said the quartet is an appropriate welcome for the new season. "This musical group formed only two years after we began the Arts & Issues program at SIUE," Walker pointed out. "We're halfway through our second decade and I am thrilled to have the Orion String Quartet with us to celebrate our 16th season.
"The quartet also is an excellent example of the quality performers the Arts & Issues series attracts to Southwestern Illinois."
The quartet's program at SIUE will include the Haydn Quartet in C Major, Op. 20, No. 2; the Beethoven String Quartet, Op. 59, No. 2; and the String Quartet in F Major, Op. 96, "American" by Dvorak.
Arts & Issues season tickets are available at $98 for all eight events; students, $49. Admission includes free parking in the lots behind the Morris University Center or Dunham Hall theater. Individual and season ticket information is available by calling (618) 650-2320, or by writing: Arts & Issues, SIUE, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1083, or by e-mail: Season information also is available on the World Wide Web:
September 19, 2000
Relationship Violence Is Subject Of Events Sept. 25-26
In an effort to raise awareness about relationship violence and how to respond "proactively" to it, SIUE is presenting two days of events on the topic, Monday, Sept. 25, and Tuesday, Sept. 26, in the Morris University Center.
In addition to the events, business cards with emergency telephone numbers are being made available in several locations on campus. The cards are inscribed in memory of Ramonna Johnson-McDonald, an SIUE graduate student who died in 1998 as a result of relationship violence.
The two-day program is co-sponsored by SIUE's Women's Studies Program, the Office of Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the Office of Student Affairs. The events will be conducted by Holly Rosen and Peter Hovmand, both of the Michigan State University Safe Place.
A schedule of events follows:
• Monday, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Goshen Lounge-Questions and answers about relationship violence.
• Monday, 7-9 p.m., Madison Room (in Meridian Ballroom)-Community forum on relationship violence: "What Happens After A 911 Call?" Panelists include Sarah Bradbury of SIUE Counseling Services, Capt. Gina Hayes of SIUE Police, Madison County Associate Judge Lola Maddox, Madison County Assistant State's Attorney Kyle Knapp, Cahokia Police Lt. Scott Peoples, and Holly Rosen and Peter Hovmand of MSU's Safe Place. Moderator will be Margaret Trushel of the Oasis Women's Center in Alton. SIUE Chancellor David Werner will welcome participants.
• Tuesday, 9-11 a.m., Mississippi-Illinois Room (second floor of Morris Center)-Awareness and Intervention Workshop. All SIUE faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend.
• Tuesday, 3-4 p.m., Mississippi-Illinois Room-"What's the Next Step for SIUE?" All SIUE faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend.
Enrollment Surpasses 12,000 For First Time Since Mid-'70s
SIUE enrollment stands at 12,193 for fall 2000, continuing a trend of steady enrollment growth. Enrollment has increased by about 300 students per year since fall 1997; this year's enrollment is up 316 students compared to last year.
Chancellor David Werner attributed the increase to planned growth. "Like many other colleges and universities, we have watched the trends and forecasts that show an increase in the number of high school seniors and in seniors who are enrolling in college," Werner said.
"We began to make plans for this growth as far back as the early 1990s, when we began work on our first residence hall, and created a recruiting plan to complement the projected growth of potential students." Werner added that SIUE's enrollment target is 13,500 by 2005.
Enrollment stood at 11,207 in 1997, increasing to 11,520 in '98, and 11,877 last year. This year's enrollment not only reflects an overall increase, but an increase in new freshman, students taking courses on campus, and the full-time equivalent (FTE):
1999 2000 Difference
New Freshman 1,365 1,509 +144
On-Campus 11,606 12,016 +410
FTE 9,123 9,556 +433
Overall enrollment is its largest since 1976; on-campus enrollment is the largest since 1975; and, the FTE is the highest since 1977.
The School of Engineering, which moved into its new building with the beginning of Fall Semester, showed the biggest increase in the number of students with declared majors, gaining about 20 percent, from 815 students in 1999 to 984. Graduate student enrollment increased from 2,564 to 2,610, the second consecutive increase after several years of slight declines.
Students Receive Funds Faster Due To Improvements
This year, SIUE students received financial aid faster than ever before because of advanced technology and improvements in procedures in the Office of Student Financial Aid, says Director Marian Smithson.
Smithson credits her staff for streamlining office procedures which contributed to the higher numbers of students served. "It was a very busy year for our office," Smithson said, "and my staff worked very hard to meet our goals."
The office also took advantage of a new internet confirmation option to pay grants for the Illinois Student Assistance Commission's Monetary Award Program (MAP). "In the past, award payment was delayed because we were mailed MAP confirmations, but now we can access those confirmations via the internet," Smithson said.
In addition, procedures for the Direct Loans program also were streamlined to save time. "Students sign a master note for their first loan and aren't required to sign for each new loan," Smithson said, "and that has helped us deliver funds faster."
By the second week of Fall Semester, more than 5,300 students had received financial aid totaling $13.9 million, an increase of more than 10 percent in the student count at the same time last year and a 25 percent increase in dollar amount over the same time last year. "The university had an increase in enrollment and we were able to stay on time with our payouts," Smithson said.
"This means students are able to begin classes without taking out short-term loans and they're also able to get their textbooks on time. Receiving their checks in a timely manner relieves much of the stress of beginning a school term," she said.
"Our goal is to provide good service to students and support the university's enrollment growth."
New Day, New Home For SIUE School Of Engineering
For a decade, the possibility of a new building for SIUE's School of Engineering figuratively stood on the horizon. In that decade, a lack of space effectively scattered students and faculty across the campus-an academic diaspora.
Now, the new building literally stands on the University's western horizon, the years of waiting given over to the anxiety of the last few moments before the doors officially opened. And once again, a growing program is housed under one roof.
Last week, the new building was formally dedicated as students, employees, donors and friends of the university, alumni and community members joined to acknowledge this addition to campus.
The Engineering Building is SIUE's fifth new building in six years. (Birger Hall will open in October, and Bluff Hall in fall 2001.) Not only will the new building help students explore once they get to campus, but it also is helping recruit new students to SIUE. Enrollment, which had crept up steadily over the last few years, increased more than 20 percent over last year: 815 students in fall of 1999 to 984 students this year.
"I think we're already seeing the benefits of having our program under one roof," said Paul Seaburg, dean of the School of Engineering. "It is easier to 'showcase' what we have to offer and to talk about how good the program really is."
The School of Engineering began in 1968 with 37 undergraduate students. The first degrees were granted in 1970. Graduate students first enrolled in 1980, and the first graduate degrees were awarded in 1985. More than 3,000 SIUE students have received engineering degrees.
Dinner, Dancing, And Jazzin' It Up At The Jazz Supper Dance On Oct. 1
The joint will be jumpin' at the Jazz Supper Dance beginning at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1, in Meridian Ballroom where the music will be hot and so will the Southern-style buffet.
SIUE's Friends of Music, WSIE-FM (88.7), and the Department of Music will present the 12th Annual Jazz Supper Dance, one of the most popular campus social events of the year.
Ticket price includes the buffet and big band music performed for dancing by the SIUE Concert Jazz Band conducted by Reggie Thomas, an associate professor of music. The evening also features special performances by local music entertainers and this year's Jazz and Music Achievement Award winners: Johnnie Johnson and Marion Miller.
Tickets are $40 per person; a cash bar also will be available. Proceeds will benefit the Friends of Music, which provides scholarships for SIUE music students. For tickets or for more information, call the SIUE Office of Conferences and Institutes, (618) 65-2660, or, from St. Louis toll-free, (888) 328-5168, Ext. 2660.
The Shurtleff Fund and the Illinois State Historical Society, with strong support from SIUE, recently erected an historical marker commemorating the pioneer spirit of John Mason Peck, founder of the old Shurtleff College, now the location of the SIU School of Dental Medicine. Peck, who founded several Baptist churches in Missouri and Illinois, traveled from New England with his family in a horse-drawn wagon "to bring the lamp of learning and the light of the Gospel" into the undeveloped West. In 1827, he founded a seminary near what is now O'Fallon, Ill., moving it to Alton in 1831. With a $10,000 gift from Benjamin Shurtleff of Boston, the seminary was renamed Shurtleff College in his honor in 1836. Peck Hall, on the campus of SIUE, is named for the educator. Here, SDM Dean Patrick J. Ferrillo Jr. and SIUE Chancellor David Werner stand near the marker with Clinton H. Rogier, past president of The Shurtleff Fund. (SIUE Photo)
Organizations And Service Groups Invited To Help At Cougarfest 2000
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and its Alumni Association are extending an invitation to community organizations and service groups to participate in Cougarfest, the upcoming weekend of music, sports, memories, open houses and fun.
A celebration of the SIUE community, the fall festival will be held Friday, Sept. 29, Saturday, Sept. 30, and Sunday, Oct. 1. "Cougarfest will be a chance for university student organizations and community groups to spotlight themselves through activities and booths," said festival organizer and SIUE Foundation assistant director, Kathy Turner.
"We invite organizations to participate with food booths, arts and crafts displays, or other activities that will contribute to the overall celebration." Interested organizations may contact either Turner or Jackie Brown, at 650-2345, for more information.
Cougarfest already features a wide range of activities and events that includes Friday night SIUE Men's and Women's soccer games, alumni baseball and softball tournaments, chili and barbecue cook-offs, campus tours and open houses, Family Weekend events such as the Ya' Gotta' Regatta cardboard boat regatta, the annual Jazz Supper Dance, and the Arts & Issues series presentation of The Capitol Steps.
Following the Friday evening soccer games will be a student toga contest, a preview of things to come with the Saturday night festival capper, a Ralph Korte Stadium concert by Otis Day and the Knights of National Lampoon's Animal House fame.
Tickets for the concert are $10; students, $5, and are available through MetroTix. Up-to-the-minute information on Cougarfest is available by calling 618/650-2760 or visiting the Web site:
Celebrate The Arts Week Set For Sept. 29-Oct. 6
While you're wandering around campus in that toga during Cougarfest, don't forget to think about the arts once in awhile.
And, to help us remember there's more to life than toga parties and soccer games, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the Departments of Art and Design, Music, and Theater and Dance are inviting everyone on campus to "Celebrate the Arts" Monday, Sept. 29, through Friday, Oct. 6.
The kick-off takes place at 11:30 a.m. Monday in Goshen Lounge. Chancellor Werner will set the stage for the events to follow: A sampling of music, art, and theater to introduce the audience to the week's activities. And, a pumpkin scramble will be a special feature.
Saturday evening at 7:30, Arts & Issues presents the Capitol Steps in Merdian Ballroom; Sunday, Oct. 1, the annual Jazz Supper Dance is set for 5:30 Meridian; Thursday, Oct. 5, a Careers in the Arts forum will be sponsored by the Career Development Center, at 11:30 a.m. in Dunham Hall theater, with a free lunch in the lobby; Friday, Oct. 6, a Faculty Art Exhibit Closing Reception takes place in the New Wagner Gallery of the Art and Design Building at 4 p.m.
And, to top off the week, the Department of Theater and Dance has planned Pack the Theater Night on Friday, Oct. 6, for the opening of Stephen Schwartz's hit musical, Working, based on the award-winning book of the same name by Studs Terkel. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. in Dunham Hall theater. Tickets are $7; students, $5. The show continues Oct. 7, 8, 13, 14, and 15. Curtain time for Oct. 8 and 15 is 2 p.m.
For more information about Celebrate the Arts Week, call Lana Hagan at 650-5748, or contact her by e-mail:
Louderman Named GLVC Soccer Player Of The Week
Beth Louderman, a senior from Girard, has been named the Great Lakes Valley Conferences women's soccer Player of the Week. Louderman helped the Cougars reach an 8-3 record and a 4-0 mark in GLVC play.
The goalie has yet to allow a goal in conference play and has not allowed a goal in her last 404 minutes, 57 seconds of play. She recorded 12 saves in three games last week in wins over Rockhurst University, Lewis University, and the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Louderman lowered her season goals against average to 0.78.
Senior Justin McMillian To Receive Jack Blake Award
Justin McMillian, a senior from Granite City, will receive the Jack Blake Award in a halftime ceremony on Oct. 1 when the Cougars play IUPU-Ft. Wayne at 12:30 p.m. McMillian, who was injured in the preseason, will be the fourth recipient of the honor named for Jack Blake, a former SIUE All-American and member of the U.S. Olympic Men's Soccer team.
The criteria for the award includes outstanding soccer play, leadership, a positive spirit of university and community involvement, a person dedicated to high fitness and intensity, and a 2.5 grade point average or above. McMillian scored nine goals last season and added three assists in helping the Cougars to an 11-7-1 record.
Canned Food Donation Brings Free Admission To Sept. 29 Weekend VB
Cougar volleyball is asking for your support. Anyone attending this weekends games against Missouri-St. Louis and Quincy has the opportunity to receive free admission. All the Cougars ask is that you donate a canned food item and in return any non-students receive free admission to the games.
Cougars Face Lengthy Week In VB
Three wins, six losses, three wins. A pattern may be forming, but Coach Joe Fisher is not fond of patterns unless it's wallpaper.
It's a good thing, too. SIUE, 6-6 overall and 2-0 in the Great Lakes Valley Conference, hopes to put an end to the patter at Southern Indiana on Wednesday for a 7 p.m. match.
"Southern Indiana is key because it is the first head-to-head matchup with the two strongest and undefeated teams in our division. Southern Indiana is a much-improved team from a year ago with a new coach and strong, young talent," said Fisher.
SIUE then returns home for the first time in a month to face Lewis on Friday at 7 p.m. and Wisconsin-Parkside on Saturday at 1 p.m. "We want to build on our wins from last weekend. We hope to have the bugs worked out, and it will be nice to finally play at home again," Fisher said.
Lindsay Rust (Belleville) led the team in attack percentage last week at .396 percentage. Rust had 47 kills, seven service aces and 42 digs. She now has 167 kills, 16 service aces and 163 digs, leading the team in all three categories. Stosha DeShasier (Carrollton) also hit well the last three games. She has recorded 20 kills in 54 attempts.
Defensively, Kelly Schaill (Princeton) recorded 10 block assists against Kentucky Wesleyan and Bellarmine. She leads the team with 29 total blocks. Schaill also recorded 16 kills over the last three matches.
Women's Soccer Extends Win Streak to Five
Spreading the ball and adaptation. It's something SIUE Coach Brian Korbesmeyer was pleased to see from his team last weekend and expects from his team in the future. "Against Lewis, we spread the ball well," he said. "We had a much tougher game on Sunday, but having the day off help us to get our legs back.
"The team really battled with Wisconsin-Parkside until we adapted to their physical style of play."
SIUE has allowed just one goal during Great Lakes Valley Conference play and is undefeated with a record of 4-0. The Cougars, 8-3 overall, hope to keep the winning ways alive this weekend at home. It is going to be a tough weekend. SIUE plays Saint Joseph's on Friday night (9/29) at 7:30 at Bob Guelker Field. The Cougars entertain IUPU-Ft. Wayne on Sunday (10/1) at 3 p.m. Saint Joseph's has won one game, lost one game.
"They lost three of its best players last year, so you are not sure what team is going to show up to play," Huneke said. "They have always played us well."
Colleen Creamer (St. Louis) scored two goals in the 4-1 win over Lewis last weekend off assists by Megan Steward (Glenarm) and Melissa Montgomery (Granite City). "We had outstanding play from Colleen. She had excellent passes from Megan and Melissa to put it in the goal."
Korbesmeyer also is happy with the play he is getting from his freshmen. Sara Decker (St. Louis), Becky Baker (St. Louis) and Erin Gusewelle (Edwardsville) have been solid all year long. Decker added two goals and an assist last weekend. She now leads the team with six assists and 14 points. Gusewelle also scored her first collegiate goal in the 2-0 win over Wisconsin-Parkside.
Men's Soccer Settles For Split at Lewis, Wis.-Parkside
Win-loss records don't always tell the story. And, that's why Coach Ed Huneke isn't worried about splitting last weekend's games with conference opponents.
"Obviously, the world is concerned with win-loss results, but coaches have the additional concern with how we played," Huneke pointed out. "I was very pleased that we played extremely well."
SIUE returns home this weekend to begin the second half of conference play with a 5-4-1 overall record and 3-1 mark in the Great Lakes Valley Conference. "I told the team that it is important that we continue to improve in the second half of the season. And if we do, it is going to be a very successful year."
The Cougars play Saint Joseph's on Friday (9/29) at 5:30 p.m. at Bob Guelker Field and IUPU-Ft. Wayne on Sunday (Oct. 1) at 12:30 p.m. Saint Joseph's is showing improvement from last year while IPFW was one of the best teams in the country last year. "We have to do our job to make sure we stop them this weekend," Huneke said.
Cal Thomas (Rochester) and Chris Camacho (Quincy) scored goals over the weekend while Brian Douglas (Centerville, Ohio) recorded his second assist on the season.
Women's Tennis Improves To 5-1
Ten singles victories in two days equal a tough team and two wins. And, most of the singles wins are courtesy of a young team. Freshmen Amber Stanley (Effingham) and Coryn Reich (Newton) are dominating the No. 2 and No. 4 positions, respectively for Coach Bill Logan.
"The freshmen are doing great," Logan said. "Amber is first on and off the court in singles and has been looking strong."
Stanley improves to 5-1 on the season, while Reich is now 4-1. Junior transfer Laura Zeeb (Greenville) has been a solid addition. Zeeb won both her matches at No. 3 and has a 4-1 record.
The Cougars, 5-1 overall and in Great Lakes Valley Conference play, returns home, literally. Not only does SIUE play Southern Indiana on Friday (9/29) at 3 p.m., but it also returns to play on the SIUE tennis courts for the first time in about two years. Southern Indiana comes in 5-0, so it looks to be a very important match in regards to standings. SIUE faces Kentucky Wesleyan at home on Saturday (9/30) at 9 a.m.
Women's Golf Anxious For Next Test
Rested and ready to go. That is what the SIUE Women's Golf team is. After a week off and a strong, record-setting tournament before that, the Cougars are ready to get back on the course.
Coach Larry Bennett's team travels to the Indianapolis Invitational for a two-day tournament on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Records were set two weeks ago at the Illinois Wesleyan Invitational. The team shot a two-day school record of 678 (335-343), while freshman Katie Farrell (Princeton) set two records of her own.
Farrell set the school record for 18 holes on the first day by shooting an 81, which was set two years ago by junior Spring Riley (Salem) (82). She also set the school record for 36 holes with a 167 (81-86).
CC Set for Cougar/Bearcat Challenge
Coach Darryl Frerker is looking for this weekend's meet as a warm-up to the conference championships next weekend. SIUE and McKendree College host the Cougar Bearcat Challenge at SIUE.
The Women's 5,000-meter run begins at 10 a.m. with the Men's 8,000-meter run following at 10:45 a.m. "Both teams have a good shot at being top teams in this meet," Frerker said. "We will get to see some new competition with NAIA teams coming in. But it also is an opportunity to warm-up for conference."
Carrie Carducci (Powell, Ohio) and Jason Olsowka (Lockport) both finished first for the Cougars last time out at the Illinois Invitational. Carducci finished 23rd with a time of 18 minutes, 54 seconds. Olsowka finished 15th with a personal best on the year with a time of 25:52.
"Freshmen have been filling in the top five for both teams throughout the year," Frerker said. "The position in the top five is always changing. We have yet to develop a consistent top five."
Men's Soccer Offense, Defense Both Post Strong Weekend
There are smiles all around. Coach Ed Huneke's team didn't allow a goal all weekend. At the same time, the Cougars scored four goals each against Bellarmine and Kentucky Wesleyan.
"Goals make forwards smile and shutouts make defenders smile," Hyneke said. "It was a high priority to do well in the conference. Two shutouts with a good number of goals makes Monday mornings feel good."
SIUE continues conference play this weekend at Lewis and Wisconsin-Parkside. The team plays Lewis on Friday (9/22) at noon and faces Wisconsin-Parkside at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday (9/23). "It is a very important weekend. These are two highly-regarded teams in the conference and region. Success this weekend could put us up for a very nice season."
The Cougars jumped back over the .500 mark with wins last weekend against conference opponents. SIUE is 4-3-1 overall and 2-0 to start Great Lakes Valley Conference. Brandon Gibbs (St. Charles, Mo.) led the charge last weekend scoring his first three goals of the season while recording two assists. "We have been counting on Brandon to score a lot of goals this season," says Huneke. "I had become a little concerned, but goals tend to be streaky. Hopefully, this is a start of a nice streak for him."
Justin Huneke (Glen Carbon) tabbed two goals over the weekend and now leads the team with five goals and 19 shot attempts. Eric Modeer (Hershey, Pa.) and Cal Thomas (Rochester) recorded two assists. Modeer and Gibbs lead the team with four assists apiece.
Also adding goals were Kevin Corrigan (St. Louis), Cress Maddox (Springfield) and Sean Huneke (Glen Carbon). Matthew Horan (St. Louis) tabbed his second assist of the season.
Women's Soccer Cougars Eager To Continue Their Winning Ways
Coach Brian Korbesmeyer is wasting no time when it comes to getting his women's soccer team back into action. "Anytime you are playing well, you want to get back out there and play again quickly." And quickly they are.
The Cougars are back on the field (tonight, 9/19) against Rockhurst beginning at 6:30 at Korte Stadium. "Rockhurst beat us last year, but we're playing better and a little bit quicker"
After Rockhurst, the Cougars prepare for more conference play. The team travels to Lewis on Friday (9/22) and Wisconsin-Parkside on Sunday (9/24). Both games begin at 3 p.m.
SIUE, which broke the school record for shots in a game with 36 against Bellarmine, swept the first weekend of Great Lakes Valley Conference play by shutting out both Bellarmine and Kentucky Wesleyan 3-0. The team is now 5-3 overall and 2-0 in the GLVC. "With each half this weekend we got better," Korbesmeyer said. "This weekend our depth really showed. We really had a lot of gas in the second halves of both games."
The opportunity to play a number of players also helped. "I think we got over our injury bug," he said. "We're down to just two girls out, and were able to get a lot of player into both games, which allowed some girls to rest."
Michelle Montgomery (Granite City) recorded her first points of the season with two goals and two assists this past weekend. Megan Steward (Glenarm) and Heather Bebe (Florissant, Mo.) tabbed their first goals of the year against Bellarmine. Leslie Henigman's (Florissant) and Colleen Creamer (St. Louis) added goals to the board against Kentucky Wesleyan. Creamer, who added an assist against Bellarmine, now leads the team with three goals and 26 shot attempts. Sara Decker (St. Louis), Becky Baker (St. Louis) and Melissa Montgomery (Granite City) assisted on goals over the weekend. Decker leads the team with five assists.
Douglas Looking Forward; Also Recalls 1997 Cougars
Some things are worth repeating. When Brian Douglas was a freshman at SIUE, he was a part of a soccer team that was 18-2-1 and advanced to the NCAA Division II tournament. Now a junior, Douglas feels that the time is right to go back.
The 1997 edition of Cougar Soccer won a school-record 15 consecutive games and was the first to advance to the NCAA tournament in 15 years. Then, Douglas was one of only a few freshmen on a senior-laden team. Now he is one of the most experienced players on a team that went 11-7-1 last season and returns nine starters.
Douglas looks back fondly on that 1997 team, and is proud of his contributions to one of the best teams in SIUE history. "Going almost undefeated in the regular season my freshman year and making it to the tournament was a great experience," Douglas said. "I played more than I expected to as a freshman. I had an opportunity to show my skills and contribute to a great team."
Douglas believes he has a chance to be a part of another special Cougar team in 2000. "I think we have a chance of making it back to the tournament this year," he said, "and maybe going farther (than in 1997)."
If the Cougars make it back to the tournament, Douglas will play a major role. He's played in 37 games in a Cougar uniform, second only to senior Eric Modeer. Douglas scored one goal and added four assists in 1999, but what Douglas provides for the team does not show up on any statistics sheet. "My position doesn't get opportunities to score many goals, so when you do score a goal or create an assist, it gives you a better feeling, especially when it helps the team win," Douglas said.
"I mean, everyone on the team contributes, but you're recognized officially (for scoring)."
It did not take long this season for Douglas to gain a little recognition. In the first game of the season, against Missouri Southern State, Douglas' leaping header set up freshman Cal Thomas for the Cougars' first goal of the year. The goal tied the game at 1-1. A few minutes later, junior Yuzuru Takami flicked a ball over the goalkeeper's head to give the Cougars a 2-1 win.
Douglas has since added a goal of his own, but is not worried about the slow start. "I've had a good feeling about this team for months," he said. "It's just a feeling I've had that we're going to be successful. We have a lot of talent. Now it's time for me to be one of the leaders of the team and have guys looking up to me and follow my leads, on and off the field. I try to take that seriously."
Off the field Douglas majors in Mass Communications. Like so many college students, it took time for Douglas to settle in on what he wanted to do. After talking to a friend about advertising, he decided to give it a try. "So far, I've loved it," Douglas said. "It offers so many different varieties of classes, and advertising allows me to be creative."
Douglas enjoys being a student-athlete at SIUE, but understands that title comes with responsibilities. "The attention is nice (but) people tend to look at you and hold you at a higher level." He recognizes this with students and professors alike.
When asked which he likes the best about playing-a goal-saving tackle, a sweet pass for an assist, or scoring a goal-the answer comes quickly. "Scoring a goal. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's a feeling like no other."
Professor Visits Russia To Address School Health Issues
A teen-ager on an island off the coast of Russia might live in the midst of a totally different culture, say, from a teen-ager in Edwardsville, Illinois, but both are faced with the same global health issues.
In fact, Mal Goldsmith, Professor of Kinesiology and Health Education, learned this to be true first-hand during a recent visit to Korsakov, a city on Sakhalin Island, off the coast of Russia and just north of Hokkaido, Japan. Under a grant from the Baylor College of Medicine, Goldsmith spent 10 days there working with city officials, educators, and physicians to address teen health issues and create a school health program.
"Korsakov is a fishing town, but the industry is dead now, as free enterprise has Russian fisherman going to Korea or Japan to get better prices," Goldsmith observed. "The economy is depressed, and we found many young people reacting to that kind of stress through smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and in general leading an unhealthy lifestyle."
Goldsmith said concerned educators are looking for ways to teach Russian youth to make healthy choices. Goldsmith and Nick Iammarino, a professor of Health Education at Rice University, were in Korsakov to share health concerns of American youth and to provide insight into how coordinated school health programs can bring together school, family and community resources to address teen problems.
The concept of a coordinated school health program was presented, including an eight-point model for addressing adolescent health issues. The elements of a coordinated school health program are: health education, health services, healthy environment, school, family and community relations, physical education, school on-site health promotion, school nutrition and food service, and school counseling.
"The key to this model working," says Goldsmith, "is to establish a School Health Council to help implement and evaluate the eight points of the program. The required coordination is all based on the concept that schools do not operate in a vacuum."
Goldsmith said the city realized there would be no help from the current Russian government to turn things around for Korsakov youth, so officials have sought help from around the world and the Baylor project is part of that effort.
In addition to working with educators, Goldsmith also made two presentations to Russian physicians and school health personnel about health attitudes and behaviors of American youth and the role of coordinated school health programs in addressing adolescent health issues.
"We're also interested in sharing results of a study done on the health attitudes and behaviors of Russian youth in Korsakov. Goldsmith said plans already have begun for a follow-up study. "We'll utilize questions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, that have been translated into Russian by another colleague from Baylor," Goldsmith said.
"Eventually, we will share with Russian officials and American educators the results of these comparative studies between American and Russian youth. Such data is helpful in planning prevention education and enables health professionals from across the world to realize how they can learn from each other."
Although he found some of the conditions in Korsakov depressing, Goldsmith said, for the most part, the Russians manage to make a life for themselves. "The people reminded me of a time in the U.S. when Americans had much less, but found happiness in family and friends.
"Russia was under Communism for nearly 100 years, and it may take that country another 100 years for capitalism to evolve into something that improves quality of life for everyone."
Capitol Steps Bring Political Humor To A&I Sept. 30
If all politics "is local," then political comedy must be universal as proven by the Capitol Steps appearing here Sept. 30 as part of SIUE's Arts & Issues series.
The Capitol Steps will perform its special brand of musical satire at 7:30 p.m. in Meridian Ballroom. The SIUE series has been entertaining Southwestern Illinois audiences with distinguished performers and speakers since 1985.
Left, right, or center, this musical troupe of satirists from Washington, D.C., has a laugh and an insult for everyone. Poking musical fun at political figures, the Capitol Steps is a remarkably gifted group of former and current Congressional staffers who skewer the scene "inside the Beltway," responding to the scandal du jour in Washington.
Arts & Issues Coordinator Richard Walker said the Capitol Steps combines a raucous evening of song and satire in a timely appearance-just before the presidential election. "The Capitol Steps will be funnier than ever with an election on the horizon," Walker said. "I'm looking forward to an evening of fun that I'm sure will leave no candidate unscathed."
The Capitol Steps make mirth from their experiences among the very people and places that once employed them. The Steps perform more than 500 shows annually throughout the country. Since the troupe was founded in 1981, it has recorded 20 albums, including the latest, It's Not Over 'Til the First Lady Sings. The group has been featured in three PBS specials, numerous television shows, and can be heard four times annually on NPR stations nationwide during the "Politics Takes a Holiday" radio specials.
Individual tickets for the Sept. 30 event are $16; students, $8. Admission includes free parking in the lot behind the Morris Center. Individual and season ticket information is available by calling (618) 650-2320, or by writing: Arts & Issues, SIUE, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1083, or by e-mail: Season information also is available on the World Wide Web:
Martin Named Executive Assistant To SIUE's Williams
Kevin W. Martin, formerly associate director of Development for Major and Planned Gifts, as well as Capital Campaigns, at Lourdes College in Sylvania, Ohio, has been named executive assistant to G. Patrick Williams, SIUE vice chancellor for Development and Public Affairs.
Martin also served as the special assistant to the president/CEO of the Lourdes College Foundation and assisted in the planning, preparation, and execution of all fund-raising programs for the college.
In his new position at SIUE, Martin assists the vice chancellor as a member of his staff of senior advisers in the university's efforts to expand and enhance community relations. In addition, he serves as the liaison for minority community affairs and alumni relations.
Martin attended the University of Toledo (Ohio) and Pasadena (Calif.) Community College, majoring in business administration with specializations in marketing and finance. Before entering the field of higher education, Martin had been assistant to the director of income tracking at MCA Music Publishing Company in Los Angeles, where his duties involved identifying, tracking and obtaining payment for lost revenues.
As assistant to the director of copyright for Windswept Pacific Entertainment in Beverly Hills, Calif., Martin was responsible for the tracking and filing of copyright documents. He also was manager of bindery buyout/shipping and receiving for George Rice and Sons in Brisbane, Calif. In addition, Martin was a customer service representative for Area Trade Bindery and a computer customer service representative for Entertainment Partners, both in Burbank, Calif., assistant to the vice president at The Marketing Network in Newport Beach, Calif., and a computer operations manager for Billings-Horn in Cerritos, Calif.
Tawnya Hasty of Edwardsville, a freshman studying Early Childhood Education at SIUE, is recipient of the 2000 Staff Senate Scholarship. She is flanked here by Gary Dunn, president of the Staff Senate, and Chancellor Werner. The scholarship is awarded annually to an SIUE staff member's child or grandchild eligible under the $1,000 scholarship's academic guidelines. Tawnya is the daughter of Darrell and Deborah Hasty, secretary in the Department of Theater and Dance. (SIUE Photo)
ROTC Open House
The Department of Military Science is hosting an open house for faculty, staff, and students today from 3-5 p.m. Come see how Army ROTC has grown since its establishment on campus in fall 1993, and meet Maj. Joel Hillison, the new ROTC director. Refreshments and beverages will be served.