Policies for Faculty
2.1 Acceptance of Gifts or Gratuities by Employees
Approved March 23, 1999
Approved and Revised May 12, 2011
The University prohibits employees from accepting certain gifts or gratuities from individuals and companies with whom the University contracts under the guidelines of the State of Illinois Ethics Act. For additional information please visit the ethics website at https://siusystem.edu/ethics/.
2.2 Assistance to Employees Affected by Layoff or Reduction in Force
Approved May 14, 2014
Employees affected by layoff or reduction in workforce shall contact the Office of Human Resources immediately to coordinate benefits and explore other employment options within the University relative to the qualifications of said employees.
2.3 Conflict of Interest in Government Sponsored Research at SIUE
The Government and institutions of higher education, as the contracting parties, have an obligation to see that adequate standards and procedures are developed and applied to inform one another of their respective requirements, and to assure that participating individuals are informed of and apply said standards and procedures. For the complete policy governing externally sponsored research at SIUE, please visit http://www.siue.edu/orp/researchpolicies/sponsored.shtml.2.4 Drug and Alcohol Policy
Approved June 30, 2004
Approved and Revised November 10, 2010
Approved and Revised May 2, 2012
The University is committed to maintaining a drug free workplace in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on University property. For additional information regarding SIUE’s Drug and Alcohol policy, please visit SIUE’s Drug Free Workplace Policy at http://www.siue.edu/human-resources/employment/workplace_drug_testing.shtml. Employees may obtain information and referral services regarding drug and alcohol abuse from the Employee Assistance Program at https://www.siue.edu/human-resources/benefits/programs-and-services/employee-assistance-program-counseling.shtml.
2.5 Electronic Communication (e-mail) and Internet Use
For information regarding Information Technology Policies, please visit http://www.siue.edu/its/policies/index.shtml.
2.6 Employee Conduct
Approved May 14, 2014
Employees shall perform their work efficiently and effectively acting with prudence and integrity at all times. They shall abide by all policies of the University and of the Board of Trustees. Employees shall not engage in outside activities which conflict with required working hours, job performance or University obligations and responsibilities. Employees shall treat fellow employees, students and the general public with courtesy and respect for human dignity.
2.7 Ethics
As a condition of employment, all employees are required to comply with the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, 5 ILCS 430/ et seq. The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act covers but is not limited to: Restrictions on accepting gifts or Gift Ban; Political activities during work; Lobbyist activity and service on boards and commissions; Employment by outside vendors of ex-State employees who were formally involved in procurement decisions; Whistleblower Protection; Communication on procurement activities. The law requires that each employee complete, at least annually, ethics training conducted by the University. For a description of the Act’s requirements, please visit http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/ethics.shtml. Employees seeking further information may contact the SIUE Ethics Officer at (618) 650-2190.
2.8 Fitness for Duty
Approved May 14, 2014
The University reserves the right to refer an employee for a medical evaluation or examination by a physician of the University's choice for the purpose of determining that person's physical or mental fitness to carry out his or her duties. The Director of Human Resources will approve a referral for a Fitness For Duty examination after consultation with Legal Counsel and the Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination. The University will assume the costs of the examination and will advise the physician that the employee has no responsibility for the costs. Employees will not suffer a loss in their regular compensation due to absence for such examinations during their regularly scheduled work hours. If the employee disagrees with the results of the examination, the employee shall have the right to seek additional medical opinions at his/her expense.
2.9 Inclement Weather and Other Special Conditions
Approved February 1982
Approved and Revised November 14, 2008
Approved and Revised October 20, 2010
The general policy of the University is to remain open for programs and operations as scheduled. In the event of emergency closure, due to weather or other special conditions, arrangements for pay or time off will be determined in accordance with respective employment contracts and University policies including the University’s Inclement Weather and Other Special Conditions Policy. Since safe transportation to and from the campus depends on many factors, such as distance, specific road conditions in home areas, etc., individuals are urged to exercise discretion and sound judgment with regard to travel. When extreme conditions are judged to exist, all or parts of the campuses of the University may be closed for a specified period of time. Announcements regarding the closure or delayed opening of all or parts of the University will be made on local radio and television stations. Employees may also receive text messages, or may check the SIUE website or work voice mail for information relevant to a University closure. Every attempt will be made to make a decision by 5:00 a.m. regarding closure. For the complete Inclement Weather Policy and Other Special Conditions, please visit http://www.siue.edu/policies/2c1.shtml.
2.10 Personnel Records
Approved May 14, 2014
Official personnel files are maintained by the Office of Human Resources. The employee’s supervisor may maintain a file containing materials related to the employee’s work performance. The employee and/or the employee’s designated union representative, if authorized in writing by the employee, shall have the right to inspect the employee’s official personnel file. Reasonable requests for copying materials in the official personnel file will be honored. The University complies with the Personnel Record Review Act 820 ILCS 40/ et seq.
Click here to download the Request for Disclocure of Public Records Form.
2.11 Rules and Regulations
Approved May 14, 2014
The Office of Human Resources will discuss revisions and recommendations regarding rules and regulations with the Human Resources Advisory Group which is composed of a representative of each Vice Chancellor’s area. The Policy Review Panel of the University Staff Senate (USS), the Welfare Council of the Faculty Senate, appropriate Vice Chancellor or individual employees may consult with the Director, Office of Human Resources regarding rules and regulations for consideration. Final revisions and recommendations will be submitted to Chancellor’s Council for review.
2.12 Sexual Harassment
The University is committed to creating and maintaining a community free of all forms of harassment, exploitation or intimidation. It is the policy of this University that sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated. All employees are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary action to prevent sexual harassment. The University will take whatever action is needed to prevent, stop, correct, or discipline an employee for conduct that violates the Sexual Harassment Policy. All members of the University community are encouraged to promptly report any conduct that may violate this policy. For more information concerning SIUE’s Sexual Harassment Policy, please visit http://www.siue.edu/eoa or contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination, Rendleman Hall, Box 1025, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1025.
2.13 Smoking Policy
Approved May 12, 2011
Approved and Revised February 19, 2014
Approved and Revised June 15, 2015
For information on the University's Smoking Policy, please visit http://www.siue.edu/policies/6a2.shtml.
2.14 Solicitation and Distribution
Approved February 1982
Approved and Revised May 14, 2014
Recognized University groups may solicit funds, membership or other activities. Recognized groups include all University departments and recognized student groups associated directly with the University and engaged in official University business with University participants. The solicitation, collections, distributions, benefit request, sales activities or other similar actions by any other group is not allowed in order to prevent interruption and interference in work activity for personal monetary gain. No person, group of persons, or organization will be permitted to solicit funds, solicit membership or engage in union activities on University premises during the normal working hours of the particular work location, except in the settlement of grievances. No permission to solicit will be granted outside the terms of the official solicitation policy of the Board of Trustees. For additional information regarding solicitation and distribution, please visit http://bot.siu.edu/leg/policies.html.
2.15 Telephone Use
Approved September 4, 1998
Approved and Revised May 14, 2014
University phones are provided to employees for University-related business. Personal calls shall be limited in time and number and shall not interfere with work. Personal calls whether on a University provided phone or personal cell phone (including incoming calls) should be limited to a few minutes in any one day. An Employee may be responsible for the costs of longer calls of a personal nature and all personal calls outside the local commuting area. Fiscal officers are responsible for reviewing monthly phone bills to enforce this policy. Employees using a University phone to place calls outside the University should be aware that all calls are tracked by the employee’s access code. Employees are encouraged to safeguard their access codes to avoid misuse. A network of emergency phones is in operation across campus. A campus map, web accessible at http://www.siue.edu/parking/pdf/Emergency_Phone_Map__1-10-08_.pdf, provides an illustration of the location of all exterior emergency phones. For more information regarding the use of University phone services please visit http://www.siue.edu/its/network/.
2.16 Weapons Policy
Possession, use or distribution of any firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other weapons as defined by Illinois law on University premises or at a University function, except as permitted by University policy, shall result in termination of employment. Unauthorized possession or use of weapons or dangerous substances includes but is not limited to:- Firearms
- Explosives and/or explosive devices
- Weapons described under Illinois Compiled Statues Ch. 720, sections 5/24-1, 5/24-2, and 5/24-6
- Pellet guns and B-B guns
- Fireworks
- Dangerous chemicals or fuels