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School of Education, Health and Human Behavior

Early Childhood Education edTPA Resources

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Welcome to the Early Childhood Education closed edTPA portal! The Placement Confirmation Letter containing the password that brought you to this page is an important document containing important information about your Early Childhood teacher candidate, SIUe faculty who will be supporting your work, and SIUe policies that will govern your work. This password-protected webpage contains more detailed, private information about how SIUe is preparing your Early Childhood teacher candidate for the Illinois edTPA licensure requirement.

Although each Early Childhood Education program (including the Early Childhood On-Site Program- EChOS) has distinct objectives and courses, edTPA preparation for Early Childhood Education licensure includes similar professional education course work, field experiences, and clinical practice experiences for all Early Childhood teacher candidates. All of SIUe’s Illinois Early Childhood Education licensure programs are typically completed at two levels: 1) General education courses in education taken during the first two years of undergraduate study; 2) Teacher licensure courses in education and content area taken during the final two years of undergraduate study. Teacher licensure courses include clinical teaching practice and other school experiences that focus the knowledge, skills, and dispositions a Early Childhood teacher candidate has learned at SIUe. In this way, edTPA preparation is nested in the course work and school placements that occur during the following semesters:

General Education Semesters where introductory education and content area courses are taken as part of SIUe’s general education program of requirements and electives for all undergraduate students.

Year 3 Semesters 1-2 where advanced education and content area courses are taken by Early Childhood teacher candidates.

Year 4 Semesters 1-2 where advanced education and content area courses are finally linked with school placements.

Formal study of edTPA handbooks that support Early Childhood teacher candidates’ understanding of the Early Childhood Education edTPA Portfolio—the portfolio they must submit prior to Illinois state licensure—begins Year 4 Semester 1. However, education and content area courses taken prior to this semester provide opportunities for Early Childhood teacher candidates to comprehend and apply the pedagogical concepts in these handbooks. Click the link to access the edTPA handbooks that apply to the Early Childhood teacher candidate assigned to your classroom.

As a Early Childhood education cooperating teacher supporting Early Childhood teacher candidates in introductory, beginning, advanced, and student teaching school placements, your cooperative work can further Early Childhood teacher candidates’ understanding of the Illinois edTPA requirement in a number of ways suggested by the information on this website. Simply identify your Early Childhood teacher candidate by the semester indicated in your Placement Confirmation Letter, then click on the semester icon. Here you will find general descriptions of the course content and teaching experience your candidate has completed, as well as suggestions for supporting edTPA knowledge, skills, and dispositions at this semester level. You may also want to click on semesters prior to and beyond the level your Early Childhood teacher candidate is working at right now to understand the scope and sequence of the SIUe Early Childhood Program licensure curriculum.

The programmatic information available in this closed portal is, of course, simply a way to begin mentoring conversations with your Early Childhood teacher candidate, as well as your candidate’s SIUe methods faculty and on site SIUe clinical supervisor. Talking with Early Childhood teacher candidates and their supporting SIUe professionals should provide you with the best map you can have for your mentoring work. Full contact information for your Early Childhood teacher candidate, on site SIUe supervisor, and associated SIUe methods faculty is listed in your Placement Confirmation Letter.

Thank you for learning more about how you can support your Early Childhood teacher candidate’s understanding of the Early Childhood Education edTPA Portfolio!

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