Videos - East St. Louis Sesquicentennial Summer Celebration

Curtis Louise Paradise Interview

Veria M. Jackson Interview

Dr. Lillian Parks Interview

Earnestine King Laurence Interview

Archie Laurence Interview

William H. Fennoy Interview

Rita Peyton Interview

Reginald Hoover Interview

R.J. Krause Interview

LeAnne Bonner Interview

LaDarious Gully Interview

Kelly Edwards Interview

Katherine Redmond Interview

Juanita Russel Interview

John Eiland Interview

David King Interview

Christine Harden Interview

Bernard King Interview

Amber Adams Interview

Dr. E. Redmond Poem (Pt. 1)

Dr. E. Redmond Poem (Pt. 2)

Interview with Curtis Louise Paradise
Curtis Louise Paradise talks about living in East St. Louis.
East St Louis Sesquicentennial Summer Celebration
2011 marked the 150th year of East St. Louis history. During the weekend of July 8th and 9th, a celebration was held at the East St. Louis Higher Education Center to honor the city's 150th anniversary. The celebration consisted of presentations, film screenings, and cultural exhibits related to East. St. Louis and the community's rich history.
Throughout the celebration, graduate students from SIUE and Washington University in St. Louis collected interview footage from a variety of current and former East St. Louis residents. The interviews were designed to show a picture of the social, economic, and political realities of East St. Louis at various times throughout the city's history - all through first hand accounts of of those who lived it.
Additionally, the gallery contains footage from Dr. Eugene Redmond's poem reading commemorating East St. Louis' 150th anniversary.
How to Submit Content
Do you have photos, pictures, or documents related to East. St. Louis History that you would like to share? Please contact the Institute for Urban Research at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville or send us an email.