Archaeology Field School
The Department of Anthropology Archaeology Field School involves students directly with multiple phases of archaeological research , including survey, excavation, documentation, and artifact curation and analysis. Work is conducted to professional standards. Students get hands-on training and have taken part in unique discoveries in Midwestern prehistory.
The field school is offered during summer sessions at local sites (in many cases on the SIUE campus), and can be taken for 3 to 6 credits. Site reports, photos and video from previous years' field schools are available.
Apply for Field School
Applications for the summer session field schools are due early in the spring semester. Students must complete an application and liability waiver. Completed applications and liability waivers should be submitted to Dr. Julie Zimmermann. For additional information, contact
Application & Liability Waiver
Previous Field Schools
Summer 2018 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Video - interviews with students & Dr. Zimmermann
Summer 2016 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Summer 2014 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Summer 2013 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Summer 2011 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Video - time lapse of excavations
Summer 2010 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Summer 2009 - Gehring Site, SIUE Campus
Interim Report
Slideshow Video - explanation of site by Dr. Julie Zimmermann
Summer 2006
Site Report
Summer 2002
Site Report