SIUE Adds to Record Number of International Students for Spring Semester

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's international student body is ever-growing, welcoming approximately 150 new international students to campus for spring semester from over 20 countries. SIUE welcomed 400 new international students in the fall, which was a record number for the university.
“Our new international students are enthusiastic and eager to begin their classes at SIUE,” said Mary Weishaar, PhD, executive director in the Office of International Affairs. “Teams from many areas on campus participated in new international student orientation. Our goal is to provide a seamless transition from admission to arrival to graduation at SIUE.”
The Office of International Affairs staff members coordinated airport pick-ups, helped students settle into on-campus housing and provided a comprehensive orientation program leading up to the start of classes next week.
“Our international students come from diverse backgrounds all which are new to not only SIUE but to the U.S.” said John Ampomah, international student programming advisor. “The orientation and welcome events help new students transition into their new environment smoothly. The students learn what is expected of them inside and out the classroom and how to get involved in activities on campus, giving them the best opportunity to integrate into their new home away from home.”
Photos: New international students arrive to SIUE’s campus.
Students participate in bowling and other games during the international student welcome party.