SIUE Development Directors Share Insights at CASE Conference

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Kyle Moore, MPA, senior director of development in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Sara Colvin, MA, senior director of development in the School of Business, presented at the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) conference in Chicago on Dec. 11-13. The duo shared expert insights alongside professional peers during a panel discussion on leadership within higher education.
“Higher education is facing greater numbers of staff and leaders leaving the industry, which is creating increasing uncertainty for many across the nation’s campuses,” said Colvin. “Fundraising professionals must adapt to the changes in leadership. Sharing what we have experienced with industry peers from other institutions was a needed discussion.”
The CASE Conference gathered advancement leaders throughout the region, focusing on innovation, resources and partnerships to help develop advancement-centered practices in a changing educational landscape.
“Providing feedback about best practices can help others in our field navigate internal changes while ensuring continuity with our supporters,” Moore added. “Leadership changes at SIUE have been exciting and provided us with a great opportunity to share our bold new vision while inviting our supporters to be a part of it.”
“SIUE has boldly embraced moving forward in a meaningful way under new leadership,” Colvin remarked. “The leadership has made strategic decisions and goals for the entire campus creating momentum that will carry us into the future. We have historically focused on who we were, but our new focus is on who we will become. As development professionals we get to help tell that story and be on the frontlines of defining our future.”
Photo: (L-R) Kyle Moore, MPA, senior director of development in the College of Arts and Sciences and Sara Colvin, MA, senior director of development in the School of Business.