National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center teams up with local distillery to produce hand sanitizer during coronavirus crisis
News ReleaseContact: Claire Weinzierl
Office: 618-659-6737 ext. 260
EDWARDSVILLE – The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (NCERC at SIUE) is teaming up with Stumpy’s Distillery of Columbia, Ill. to produce hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The idea came after the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau issued a statement regarding guidance on the production of hand sanitizer.
Just two days after the idea was introduced, NCERC staff had produced a test sample of hand sanitizer following guidelines released by the World Health Organization (WHO).
“Over the course of the past week, the NCERC team was challenged with coming up with a sanitizer recipe that would not only meet, but exceed WHO specs. On Wednesday, March 18, I challenged the NCERC team to develop a sample bottle of sanitizer by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25,” said NCERC Executive Director John Caupert. “The NCERC team, as always, went above and beyond by developing and delivering the first sample bottle of hand sanitizer by that Friday afternoon - five full days ahead of the challenge date.”
Leadership at Stumpy’s Distillery also saw that there is a tremendous need for hand sanitizer in the community but realized there is very little supply available.
“We continued to ask ourselves, how can we utilize one of the main ingredients we produce in our normal, day-to-day business to potentially make hand sanitizer,” said Laura Stumpf, Owner of Stumpy’s Distillery. “We looked into the legality and the government has recently allowed distilleries to make sanitizer because of the pandemic. It seemed like a no brainer after we got word that it was legal. We have a great desire to help the public and feel fortunate that we are in the industry where we have the ability to do so. This morning, we posted our online sanitizer order request form, and the need is overwhelming.”
By Monday morning, the two entities were already discussing a potential partnership.
“When NCERC reached out about a partnership, this became a game changer. They came in like a knight in shining armor. We’ll have the ability to distribute even more hand sanitizer given their production capabilities and our packaging capacity. We hope that this will help with the betterment of the community and have a real and significant impact,” said Stumpf.
Both Stumpy’s and NCERC are optimistic that by working together toward a common goal, the local impact of COVID-19 will be lessened.
“NCERC, along with Stumpy’s Distillery, offers the very best in a public/private partnership. NCERC has the ability to rapidly develop and put into place a production system for sanitizer. Stumpy’s has a bottling, labeling and packaging system. Together, NCERC and Stumpy’s can produce, bottle, package and distribute hand sanitizer, in rapid fashion,” said NCERC Executive Director John Caupert. “NCERC looks forward to working with Stumpy’s Distillery. Together, we will assist the region, state and nation in defeating the coronavirus spread.”
The public/private partnership has gained support for its endeavor from local congressmen including U.S. Representative John Shimkus (IL-15), U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12), and U.S. Representative Rodney Davis (IL-13).
“This is a great example of how public entities and private businesses are coming together to help in a time of need,” said Shimkus. “Government can’t do it all, and even when it tries, it’s rarely as efficient or effective as America’s innovators and entrepreneurs.”
“The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center is one of the top agriculture research institutions in the nation, and its value is truly being shown in these difficult times,” said Davis. “I’m proud to see NCERC’s staff working with private businesses to help fill a crucial need for our nation in the face of this pandemic.”
“Across the country, private businesses and public entities are stepping up to help in the fight against COVID-19,” said Bost. “This partnership is an example of what is possible when we work together to support the health of our communities – a mentality that makes Southern Illinois strong.”
The hand sanitizer recipe includes ethanol, glycerol, and hydrogen peroxide, per WHO guidelines.
About the NCERC
The NCERC is a nationally recognized research center dedicated to the development and commercialization of biofuels, specialty chemicals and other renewable compounds. The Center’s fully functional dry grind pilot plant and laboratories are equipped with advanced biofuels capabilities including corn fractionation, pretreatment, and a fermentation suite with 5, 30, 150 and 1500L scale-up. Facilities are staffed by industry veterans with more than 150 years of collective experience in fermentation and biofuels production. This knowledgeable team has the flexibility and expertise to design and carry out projects in any region of the advanced biofuels or specialty chemicals space. For more information, contact Claire Weinzierl, (618) 659-6737 ext. 260,, or visit