Planned Gifts
Planned gifts can come in many forms. These planned gifts may be created by gifts that include cash, securities, real estate and/or other items. Planned gifts may be restricted or unrestricted, and may provide benefits to the donor, SIUE and the SIUE Foundation.
Donor Advised Fund Gifts
To request a gift for the SIUE Foundation from your donor advised fund, please contact your financial advisor and provide them with the following information along with where you want to designate the gift:
SIUE Foundation
Tax ID: 37-1019805
Mailing Address:
Campus Box 1082
Edwardsville, IL 62026
For more information, contact the SIUE Foundation at 618-650-2345.
Bequest Gifts
Bequest gifts are usually revocable, simple to implement and easy to change. The bequest provision in your will or living trust should specify an amount or percentage of your estate to be transferred to the SIUE Foundation as beneficiary on behalf of SIUE. You may designate your bequest as unrestricted, or you may restrict it to a college, school, department, program or scholarship. Sample wording is provided in this document.
Life Income Gifts
Life income gifts offer benefits to the individual and the SIUE Foundation by providing current income to the donor and future funding for a designated project at the Foundation. Life income gifts include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and others.
Life Insurance Gifts
Life insurance gifts may be given as a paid-up policy or by designating the SIUE Foundation as a beneficiary of an existing policy.
Contact the SIUE Foundation at 618-650-2345 for more information.
Charitable IRA Distributions
Distribution to a nonprofit organization was made permanent by the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015. This allows individuals who are 70 1/2 or older to transfer up to $100,000 ($200,000 per couple) of their IRAs to a charity of their choice. While the SIUE Foundation does not provide legal or tax counsel, the aforementioned sample letter provides an example of how a transfer may be requested from the IRA custodian (financial institution) to the SIUE Foundation. Individuals should consult their tax advisor for the numerous benefits of this option.