Program Events
Online Program Events for Fall 2020 Semester
Program orientations and information sessions have moved online for the safety of all during this pandemic. Please see the events, times, and descriptions below. Links to Zoom meetings have been e-mailed to all majors and will be sent again prior to the event. Sessions will be led by the Undergraduate Program Director and your Advisors and will have time for questions and answers. We’ll try to record them for students who could not attend.
Transfer Student Orientation: Wednesday, August 26th from 7 to 8 pm
Transfer students are invited to come and chat with myself (Dr. Pettibone) and the advisors about how to make the most of your time here in the Department. Making a quick start is key to your success in your limited time here.
New Major Orientation: Wednesday, September 2nd from 7 to 8 pm
If you are new to our program or just would like to talk to a human about the ins and outs of being a Psychology Major, then come on down. Transfer students should attend the Transfer Student Orientation instead (some duplication here). If you are a prospective major and wish to attend, please e-mail Dr. Pettibone ( for the meeting link.
Field Study Information Session: Wednesday, October 7th from 7 to 8 pm
Many students choose to explore psychology by working at sites outside of the Department for course credit. This session is intended to help those who are thinking about participating in a field study for the Spring 2021 semester. Yes, even during the pandemic, we are working to find opportunities for students to participate. Drop in to learn more.