New Online Programs for Alumni and Friends
The SIUE Alumni Association is proud to announce a new platform of online engagement for alumni and friends. The Alumni Learning Consortium is a nationwide group of universities working together to create high-quality learning opportunities for their alumni.
“This partnership allows us to offer free webinars featuring best-selling authors and career experts on topics relevant for alumni of all life stages,” said Nick Niemerg, assistant director of constituent relations. “Response to the webinars has been incredibly positive.”
“After attending “Digital Flourishing: Strategies for Fostering Wellness,” I realized I was doing a lot of things that felt efficient but actually weren't,” said Emily Wonnacott-Stanley, BS biological sciences ’00. The expert’s advice is helping me reduce that fatigue at the end of a week of virtual conversations and online working and focus on making my interactions with people more meaningful and authentic.”
According to Cathy Taylor, director of constituent relations and special projects, the SIUE Alumni Association chose to partner with the Alumni Learning Consortium in order to offer more and higher quality online programs to engage alumni and community members from the comfort of their homes. “We were looking for ways to continue to connect with alumni during these challenging times and ALC is helping us do just that with exciting and relevant content.”
Upcoming Webinars
Living Lively: The Seven Points of Power to Nourish Our Potential
- Thursday, March 11, 11 a.m.
The Unspoken Rules: The Secret to Starting Your Career Off Right
- Tuesday, March 16, 11 a.m.
A Great Leader Is Not What You Think: Leadership Lessons from the Greatest Captains in Sports History
- Wednesday, March 24, noon
Exit Rich: How to Build a Sustainable, Scalable, and Sellable Business
- Wednesday, March 31, 11 a.m.
Workparent: The Secrets to Successful, Confident Working Parenthood in 2021 and Beyond
- Wednesday, April 14, 11 a.m.
Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace
- Wednesday, April 21, 11 a.m.