Howard Rambsy II (English L&L)
“Mixed Media Exhibits & Blog Posts Concerning African Americans & Urban Spaces: Black Consciousness and City Space

"Black Consciousness and City Space" will involve SIUE Black Studies participants in the production of mixed media exhibits and a series of collective blog posts concerning the challenges and opportunities confronting African Americans in cities. The project is specifically designed to raise awareness about how studying and producing documentary and artistic compositions about black American engagements with urban spaces during the contemporary era might enhance cultural knowledge, creative abilities, and analytical skills. The exhibits were produced in the fall of 2010.
ESLARP Coordinator Assignment:
Summer 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014
Winner: 2014-15 Meridian Award ($1,000) “ESLARP History Preservation & Digitization Project"
Howard Rambsy's grant application
Dr. Rambsy’s research is ongoing
Contact Dr. Rambsy: