Dr. Mark Hildebrandt
Ph.D. Arizona State University, 1999
Associate Professor - Meteorology, climatology, hazards, statistics, polar and alpine environments
Email: mhildeb@siue.edu
Selected Publications:
Hildebrandt, Mark L. 2010: Effects of Climate Change in Kathmandu, NepalNews.com, www.nepalnews.com/archive/2010/others/guestcolumn.
Snell, Luke, and Mark L. Hildebrandt 2008: Weather Station Experiments for Construction and Geography, Concrete International, CD.
Hildebrandt, Mark L. 2005: Thermally-driven Air Pollution Patterns in Kathmandu and Phoenix, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. University of Hertfordshire (UK), 128-131.
Hildebrandt, Mark L., and Michael LoPresto 2004: Instructor's Resource Manual with Tests for The Atmosphere, 9th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 209 pp.
Hildebrandt, Mark L. 2004: Diurnal Patterns of Atmospheric Pollution in Two Urbanized Valleys, Great Himalayan Ecosystem Health, AEHMS #1, www.aehms.org.