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Sea foam image
Strand, Laura
woven cotton

25.5' x 50”


  • During the week of 9-11 my family was gathered at the beach in the Florida gulf.  No planes were in the big sky.  My very young nephews viewed the endless falling of buildings on the TV and feared that buildings were falling in every city in the country.  They feared for their home outside Atlanta.  My Dad was near 80 and the anxiety he felt for the catastrophe in New York added to his fear that the ocean was too dangerous and called us back from the water.

    The large scale of this piece and the uneasy disjoint of the image from near to distant, attempts to reflect some of the experience of those days.  I take many images and five years passed until I began to build this image at my computer. I tried many combinations and finally resolved to combine these three water images from different vantage points, one from the water’s edge, one from the first dunes and one from the porch of the rented house. 

    From right to left from the beach house porch, from the first dunes using a zoom lens and from the beach itself. I used Adobe Photoshop to draw and clone and build the spaces between images so that from 3 vantage points, a single impossible image became believable.

    For more information, or to see more work, see Laura Strand's webpage


FIRST FLOOR MAP: click here to see where other art pieces are installed on this floor of Science West.

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