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Library and Information Services

Library and Information Services
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LIS Digitization Intake Form

Applicant Name
The Intake Form is required for all projects whether a collection or single item to begin the digitization process. Please fill out as accurately and completely as possible. Consult with the Digital Imaging Specialist regarding technical questions. No projects will be assessed or projects initiated until the form is completed. The information requested here is vital to the process of selection and to the process of creating and managing digital collections.
1.Name: Name of physical collection, materials, or item(s) proposed for digitization (include dates):
Repository Name: Name of repository, subject collection, etc., where held:
Repository Contact: Name of contact at the holding repository, telephone number and email
2. Funding/Time Frame: Are there grant funds or deadlines involved in the project? If so, what is
the timeframe or target publishing date?
3.Type: Type of collection, materials, or items(s) (Check all that apply.)
Book Pamphlet Typescript (typewritten Documents)
Manuscript (handwritten documents, letters, etc.) Photographs Maps/Broadsides/Posters
Negatives Slides Film
Audio Video
Other (please describe)
4.Project Type Details: If Photographs or Maps/Broadsides/Posters are checked for question 2,
provide the type and average size. Please include physical size of largest image. If audio or video is
checked, provide specific information on the format (tape, record, disc, etc.), technical aspects of
the format (size of tape or disc, playing speed, etc.), and equipment needed to play the format.
5.Project Information: Information about the project, materials, or items(s) proposed (indicate
extent of the collection/number of items, number of pages, include page numbers if part of a larger
work, date or date range, creator, the collection and/or series names, box, folder, and/or item
control numbers or equivalent, and bibliographic citation or other information).
6.Metadata: Is the collection, materials, or items(s) described by:
A catalog record in CARLI or another system?
A finding aid?
Another descriptive format or record(s)? (please describe)
7. Publication Status: Are the materials
Please Describe:
8. Transcription Information: Does a transcription of the materials exist in paper or electronic
form? If in electronic form, please list the format.
9. Nomination Reason: Describe why the materials are important, who might want to use them in
a digital form, and what usages are likely if they are digitized.
10. Restrictions: Indicate if you are aware of any reason the materials should not be digitized, such
as copyright or other legal restrictions, contractual, or ethical reasons, or issues of cultural sensitivity.
11. Preservation Concerns: Are there any preservation concerns associated with the collection?
(Rapidly deteriorating materials or formats, materials that require special handling, etc.)
12. Additional Information: Please indicate if you have any special knowledge or skills that might be
shared during the selection process - can you provide descriptive information, historical
background, or are you aware of potential funding sources or other digital projects working with
similar materials?

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