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Activity Report Information

Activity Report Home and System Tutorials:  

Log into the Activity Report systemClick this button/link to log into the Activity Report system and enter your activities. System Tutorial for RecipientsClick this button/link to find a quick tutorial on the Activity Report system System Tutorial for ApproversClick this button/link to find a quick tutorial on the Activity Report system for Fiscal Officers


How to Complete Activity Reports

Please use the links below to help decide where to assign your contracted activities on your Activity Report(s).

Each of the sections below tells you how to report types of activities for specific types of work. Tool tips will appear over each button to give you specific activity examples that those links will help you assign. Click any and all links that apply to your contracted work.

For Grant- or Award-funded work: 

Teaching & Related ActivityExternal teaching/instruction grants & awards
SIUE-funded instructional development
Curriculum development
Other student-centered activities
Research & ScholarshipExternally-funded research/scholarship
SIUE-funded internal research/scholarship
Research center grants & awards
Scholarship or professional writing
Other creative or scholarly activities
Public ServiceExternally-funded public service
SIUE-funded internal public service
Public service center grants & awards
Community/Public consultation or services
Other Activities or I am not sureGeneral administration
Activities not elsewhere classified
How to determine your grant/award's function

For Faculty work:  

Teaching & Related ActivityTeaching students
Supervising student learning
Curriculum development
Grading or course work
Lab, clinic, or studio work
Course facilitation
Other student-centered academic activities
Research & ScholarshipAcademic research
Professional Writing
Performing Arts
Other scholarly activities
ServiceTeaching non-SIUE students
Teaching below college level
Non-credit contract training
Community/Public consultation or services
Administration & Other ActivitiesCommittee activities
Chair or Program Director activities
Other faculty administrator activities
Other activities not elsewhere classified

For Administrative work:  

Support of StudentsAdvising
Supporting non-academic student activities
One-time Course presentations
in a Research Centerincludes CPAN, NCERC, IRIS, and GEOMarc in a Public Service Centerincludes CAMP, STEM Center, ERTC, WSIE, University Museum, East St. Louis Center, and Center for Crime Sciences and Violence Prevention Administration & Other ActivitiesCommittee activities
Professional staff activities
Administrator activities
Other activities not elsewhere classified

For Graduate Assistants:  

Teaching & Related ActivityTeaching students
Supervising student learning
Research & ScholarshipAcademic research
Professional Writing
Performing Arts
Other scholarly activities
ServiceTeaching non-SIUE students
Teaching below college level
Non-credit contract training
Other public service
Administration & Other ActivitiesOffice support
Administrative work
Other activities not elsewhere classified

For Civil Service Employees:

You are not required to complete an activity report for your normal civil service duties. Please select one of the above options if you are performing faculty or administrative work on overload.

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