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Activity Report Information - Grant and External Award-funded Work


This page defines the general activity categories as they apply to certain grant or external award account functions. If you do not know the assigned function of your grant or external award account, your fiscal officer or department/unit/area head should know this information. If for any reason they do not know the assigned account function, you may contact the Office of Institutional Research and Studies (IR&S) here, and they will be able to assist you.

Most grants or external rewards will fund work for instruction, research and scholarship, or public service. The account function will generally match the type of grant or external award you are working from. The typical activities associated with each type of grant or external reward function are:

Teaching & Related Activities/Grants/Awards

  • Direct Teaching: This activity should only include for-degree-credit courses taught to college-level SIUE students at SIUE. When these conditions are met, you should include the subject, course number, and course section number for any courses you were responsible for teaching or for which you were an instructor of record.
  • Indirect Teaching: This activity category includes instructional or curriculum development, student advisement, or other support to student instruction at the college level. If the activity was for a course or set of courses, you should report the activity and hours at the general level that students will attend those courses (e.g. 100- and 200-level for Freshman/Sophomore Indirect Teaching). All other indirect teaching should be reported at the class level of the supported student(s).
  • Administration or other activities: All activities that are not directly related to teaching on instruction grants or external awards should be reported under administration.

Research and Scholarship Activities/Grants/Awards

  • Organized Research Grants: All research activities with salaries paid directly by a research grant or external award or an SIUE research center should be reported as organized research. Please include the name of the grant or award and any other relevant information in the Explanation of description of activities on the associated activity report. Do not report organized research on accounts that didn't directly pay for your research activities.
  • Competitive University Research and Scholarship Awards: There are specific accounts that support research and scholarly work by SIUE faculty. The funds for these activities are awarded on a competitive basis to SIUE faculty. Any research activity you were paid to perform from a competitive SIUE internal grant or award should be reported as Organized Research.
  • Other University-Supported Research and Scholarship Activities: Faculty and other employees may be assigned or permitted to have research-related duties in support of a research grant or external awards on their normal university appointment. These activities may only be reported as Organized Research if the associated work is paid directly by the research grant or external award. All "non-grant-funded salaried" research activities should instead be reported as either Departmental Research or Creative Activities. Please see the Faculty Activity or Administrative Activity pages for more details.

Public Service Activities/Grants/Awards

  • Public Service: This activity is reserved for public service grants, external awards,  or SIUE public service centers. Please enter any relevant information into the Explanation of description of activities on the associated activity report.
  • Committees: SIUE departmental, school/college, or VC area committee activities should be reported under Other Committees. University-wide and System-wide committee activities should be included under Intra-university Committees. Any non-SIUE committee work should be reported as Public Service.

Other Activities/Grants/Awards or Unsure

  • Grants/External Awards Not Elsewhere Specified: There are a few grants and external awards which are not functionally defined as specifically teaching, research, or public service. In the case that you are funded by one of these other grant accounts, you are generally allowed to report any of the activity categories if they are relevant. You can use the non-grant and non-external award options on the previous page if you are unsure or have one of the "other" categories of grants/external awards. You can review those options on the previous page or by clicking here.
    Please note that if you performed research or scholarly activities using funds from this type of account, you should report the activity under Organized Research.
  • Grant/External Award Function Unknown: If you do not know the assigned function of your grant or external award account, your fiscal officer or department/unit/area head should know this information. If for any reason they do not know the assigned account function, you may contact the Office of Institutional Research and Studies (IR&S) here, and they will be able to assist you.
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