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Cuba Trip
Cuba Trip
cuba trip
Tour Costs and Registration

Price of Tour per Person:

SIUE Premium Alumni Members and SIUE Students
Double Occupancy:                                                      $4,700

Preferred Price for SIUE for Double Occupancy:       $4,800
(SIUE Alumni, SIUE Faculty and Staff,
  SIUE Friends of Art, SIUE Friends of
  Music, SIUE Friends of Theater and

Cost of Trip for Double Occupancy:                            $4,950
(For Non-SIUE Premium Alumni Members
  or Non-Preferred Price)

Price for Single Occupancy:  $500 additional charge

** NOTE: Price is from Miami, Florida.  Individual tour members will need to provide their own transportation to Miami. **

Price Include:

Itinerary design and coordination
Round trip airfare Miami to Cienfuegos/Havana to Miami
Compliance with US Treasury Department
All accommodations provided (including 1st nights stay in Miami)
Full time private tour escort
All meals except one lunch and one dinner (as listed in itinerary)
Entrance fees to museums, etc.
Cuban tourist visa and Departure tax
Bottle water on bus and in room
Cuban Insurance (health and evacuation)
Gratuities for restaurants, porters

*Price Does Not Include:

Transportation to Miami, Florida
Airline baggage fees
Gratuities for tour guide and bus driver

A deposit of $1,000 is due by January 15, 2016 to reserve space on this trip. Final payment is due by February 29, 2016.   An installment payment option is available.  Payment should be made to SIUE Office of Educational Outreach. 

** Click Here to Register for The SIUE Music Lovers Tour of Cuba **

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