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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences
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Course Descriptions

ANTH 332-3, Origins of Old World Cities and States – [BSS,DSS, EGC, IC] An overview of the rise of cities and states. Neolithic beginnings to developments in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, China, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

ANTH 333-3, Origins of New World Cities and States – [BSS, DSS, EGC, II] Origins and development of New World cities and states emphasizing Olmec, Mayan, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec, and Andean cultures. Spanish conquest of Aztecs and Incas.

ANTH 350-3, Applied Anthropology*– [BSS, DSS, EGC, II] Current issues from anthropological perspective: ethnicity and religious divisions, world hunger, concepts of health and medicine, other uses of anthropology for practical problems.*

ANTH 411-3, Urban Anthropology – [BSS, DSS, EGC, II] People in city environments. History of urban development, social and ethnic groups, networks. Comparison of urban areas in Africa, North America, other cultural settings. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: ANTH 111b or consent of instructor.

CE 376-3, Transportation – Planning and design of air, highway, rail, water, and pipeline transportation facilities (geometric and structural). Prerequisite: upper-division civil engineering standing, 206, ME 262 or concurrent enrollment, or consent of instructor.

CJ 366-3, Race and Class in Criminal Justice – [SS] Criminal justice from the vantage point of race and class relations, racial/cultural interaction, enforcement patterns, use of discretion, case outcomes, and punishment. Prerequisite: SOC 111.

CJ 390-3, Special Topics in Criminal Justice* – [SS] Topics not included in regular course offerings. May be repeated once to a maximum of 6 hours provided no topic is repeated.*

CNST 264-4, Construction Surveying – Surveying applications for construction. Prerequisites: 120, MATH 150 or concurrent enrollment.

CNST 415-3, Land Development – A study of the land development process and the roles of local government, design consultants, developers, and contractors in residential development. Subdivision design and construction. Prerequisite: 341 or consent of instructor.

ECON 327-3, Social Economics: Issues in Income, Employment and Social Policy –  [DSS, EUSC, IGR] Economic aspects of social problems such as poverty, discrimination, and unemployment; economic analysis of social policies such as social insurance, welfare programs, employment legislation, taxation. Prerequisite: 111, 112.

ECON 445-3, Economics of the Public Sector: State and Local – [BSS, DSS] Public expenditure and taxation; intergovernmental fiscal relations; budgeting; grants; public choice. Prerequisites: 111, 112.

EPFR 320-3, Foundations of Education in a Multicultural Society – Philosophical, historical, social and cultural foundations of education in a multicultural society, with emphasis on understanding education in context to improve teaching practice.

GEOG 303, Introduction to Urban Geography – [BSS, DSS] Survey of human and environmental factors related to the distribution, interrelations, and internal spatial organization of cities.

GEOG 402-3, Cultural Landscape – [BHUM, DSS] Identification and analysis, both objective and subjective, of the earth as transformed by human action with emphasis on the contemporary situation. Field trip. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

GEOG 403-3, Advanced Urban Geography – [BSS, DSS] Selected topics in spatial patterns and processes of urbanization. Topics may include: planning, transportation, sustainability, society and culture, health, housing, global cities, and economic functions. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisites: 303 with the minimum grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

GEOG 451-3, Topics in Human Geography* – [SS] Specific topics in human geography based on faculty expertise. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Geography major with senior standing or consent of instructor.*

HIST 400-3, Topics in History* – [DSS, SS] Selected topics such as biography of a major fi gure; recent theme in world history; etc. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours provided no topic is repeated.*

HIST 434a-3, Modern Twentieth Century American History – [BSS, DSS] Politics, culture and economics in an urban industrial society. (a) 1896-1945. Prerequisites: (a) 201, (b) 201; or consent of instructor.

HIST 434b-3, Modern Twentieth Century American History – [BSS, DSS] Politics, culture and economics in an urban industrial society. (b) 1945 to present. Prerequisites: (a) 201, (b) 201; or consent of instructor.

HIST 442-3, The Black Urban Experience –  [BSS, DSS, EUSC, IGR] Social, economic, and political history. Emphasizes community life and development, as well as race relations.

HIST 470-3, Preserving the American Past – [BSS, DSS] The presentation of history in public arenas, including museums, monuments, cemeteries, and historic buildings.

PAPA 499, Seminar in Public Administration* – [DSS] Intensive study of selected topic. Topics chosen by department to supplement regular course offerings. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours provided no topic is repeated.*

POLS 320-3, Introduction to Public Administration – [BSS, DSS] Processes and problems of managing government agencies, political context, policy impact, effects of bureaucratic organization; managing personnel and finances, evaluating effectiveness, controlling discretion. Prerequisite: 112 or consent of instructor.

POLS 342-3, Issues in American Public Policy – [BSS, DSS] Public policies in such areas as taxing and spending, civil rights, welfare, health education, environment; explanations for adoption; problems of implementation; evaluation of impact.

POLS 344-3, Urban Politics – [BSS, DSS] Examination of political systems in American cities over time, including the role of political machines, suburban sprawl, economic development, demographic change, poverty, and federalism. Prerequisite: POLS 112 or consent of instructor.

SOCW 303-3, Human Behavior in the Social Environment II – Perspectives on human functioning from a range of theories with social work application to neighborhoods, organizations and communities; emphasis on developmental perspectives and human diversity. Prerequisites: 211 with a minimum grade of B, ANTH 111.

SOCW 390-3, Diversity and Issues of Social and Economic Justice – [BSS, DSS, EUSC, IGR] Examines backgrounds and needs of diverse populations including persons who are at-risk. Forms of oppression, social and economic justice issues, and values and ethics. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.

SOC 304-3, Race and Ethnic Relations – [BSS, DSS, EUSC, IGR] [IAI No. S7 903D] Racial and cultural interaction and conflict; causes of prejudice and discrimination; status and participation of minority groups; national and international aspects of majority-minority relations.

SOC 309, Social Inequality – [BSS, DSS, EUSC] Extent and causes of social inequality. Attention to consequences of the sustained existence of such inequalities in our everyday lives.

SOC 335, Urban Sociology – [BSS, DSS, EUSC, IGR] Rise, development, structure, culture, planning, and problems in early and modern cities. How sociologists study cities; metropolitan areas. Some attention to urban social segregation.

* Variable content course requiring advance approval by the Coordinator of the Urban Studies minor.

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