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Dr. Zhi-Qing Lin

Name in Native Language: 林治

Department: Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences

Country of Origin: China

Language(s) Spoken Other Than English: Mandarin (Chinese)

Areas of Research Interest: Environmental biogeochemistry of trace elements

How Long Have You Been in the U.S.? Since 1996

How Long Have You Been at SIUE? Since 2002

What Do You Like Most About SIUE? The beautiful campus

What Do You Find To Be the Biggest Difference Between the U.S. and Your Home Country? Political system, different cultures

Interesting Facts:

Have you considered teaching or conducting research in your country of origin?

Yes, I have done that.

What do you think would be the main difference?

Research management system

Have you worked or studied in American universities other than SIUE?

Yes, University of California at Berkeley.

Do you find students at SIUE fairly knowledgeable of your country of origin?

No. I do not.

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