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Music Alumni Dinner held on October 1, 2007

Alumni Michael Lindner (MSED '90/Elem Ed) and Melissa Lindner (B.M. '90/Music/Music Ed)
Professor Audrey Tallant and Chair Prince Wells (B.M. '76/Music/Music Ed)
Amy Garces, Professor Sarah Turner and Virginia Schlueter (M.M. '88, B.A. '80 Music/Music Education)
Alumnus Jerry Bennett (B.S. '71/Bus Admin) and Ann Bennett and Marlene Van Camp, wife of the late Dr. Leonard Van Camp
Alumnus Dick Rogers (M.S. Ed '74/Counselor Education) and Gary Beamon (B.M. '05 Music/Music Performance)
Alumnus Teresa Tarwater (M.A. '84, B.A. '82 English), Mrs. Mary Tarwater (wife of the late Dr. William Tarwater, a former Chair of the Department of Music), and Katie Tarwater (M.A. '83 Speech Communication; B.A. '79 Psychology)
Kim (M.M. '87, B.M. '77/Music/Music Education) and Brett Stamps (Faculty) and alums Tom Moore (M.M. '84, B.M '81/Music/Music Education) and Bill Jeffries (B.M. '79 Music/Music Education)

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