Course Spotlight: WMST 200 in Fall 2021
Issue in Feminism explores feminism from many different perspectives. This includes an overview of the history of the women’s movement in America, feminist theory, gender theory, sexuality, activism, intersectionality, and much more. In this course, we discuss how sexism and misogyny have impacted the lives of all humans, how feminism has impacted that oppression, and what feminism means to each student. This course is currenlty being taught in an online-synchronous format for the second semester.
For this course, the most important shift from in-person to online instruction in the spring was the inclusion of Zoom discussion days. Being online allowed those students who are uncomfortable with speaking out about difficult topics to use other functions (chat, reactions, etc.) to be involved in the class. This led to much more in-depth discussions. It lessened the concern of "asking a stupid/hard question" in class.
In this format, we are able to easily share videos, images, articles with each other, which expands our discussions drastically. But even further, it expands the way students approach assignments in other classes, their family discussions during the holidays, and "Everyday Sexism" overall. Truthfully, WMST 200 has the ability to deeply enrich a student's understanding of each and every topic they encounter both in and out of the college experience.