Bill Wuller, R.Ph., M.S., FASHP
Director, Experiential Education
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Phone: (618) 650-5167
Fax: (618) 650-5163
B.S. in Pharmacy with Honors, June 1971, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy |
M.S. in Pharmacy Administration, October 1990, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy |
Director of Pharmacy, September 1976 to February 2005, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Belleville, IL |
Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy, 1981 to 2005, Division of Pharmacy Practice, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy |
Consorta Catholic Resource Partners, 1999-2005, Pharmacy Advisory Committee |
Board of Trustees, 1985-1994, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy |
Professional and Scholarly Interests:
My scholarship interests as a practitioner centered on patient safety, pharmacy administration and professional development. As a pharmacy faculty member my scholarship has shifted to the administration of experiential programs, studying optimal methods for preceptor development, studying methods to encourage and develop student leaders, and investigating methods to quantify the value students can lend to preceptors toward optimization of drug use and patient safety.
Representative Publications:
Wuller, WR, Kwasiborski, C, Developing entry-level competencies in sterile product preparation: An emerging challenge for pharmacy schools and experiential practice sites. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2012: 69, pp 1072-1075.
Wuller, WR, McCullough, TM, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences: Creativity Welcome, Keep Posted, 2008: Vol 34, No 6, pp 10-11
Wuller WR, Luer, MS, A Sequence of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences to Address the New Standards for Experiential Learning. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2008: 72 (4) Article 73
Timpe EM, Wuller, WR, Karpinski, JP, A Regional Poison Education Service-Learning Project, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2008: 72 (4) Article 87
Wuller WR, Hurd PD, Personnel Directors Perceptions of Hospital Pharmacists. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 1992;49:395-397