SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School Gathers for Thanksgiving Meal
Life, family and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS) – these were some of the things that made the gratitude list of CHS students during the school’s annual Thanksgiving Day luncheon with all the trimmings on Friday, Nov. 18 at the Wyvetter H. Younge Higher Education Campus (WHYHEC) in East St. Louis.
“I am thankful to be alive, to be in a positive environment and to have the opportunity to be great,” said freshman Anthony Ayers.
“It was good that we had the opportunity to take a break from classes, chill and socialize,” shared sophomore Jasha Webb. “It was pretty cool having teachers and administrators serve the students.”
SIUE Chancellor James T. Minor, PhD.; Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Denise Cobb, PhD; Associate Athletics Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Athletics Chief Diversity Officer Venessa A. Brown; PhD; SIU System Vice President for Antiracism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sheila Caldwell, EdD; SIUE East St. Louis Center Executive Director Timothy Staples, EdD; SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning Nate Williams, PhD; and CHS Board of Directors President Willis Young, joined CHS Director Gina Jeffries, EdD; and CHS faculty and staff in serving scholars a delicious meal catered by Ces & Judy’s Catering in St. Louis.
The menu included turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, macaroni and cheese and rolls. Desserts in a jar consisted of Oreo cookies and cream, banana pudding and cream, and red velvet and cream catered by Desserts Out of the Jar and More.
“We are filled with joy that we are able to partake as a Charter family in our annual Thanksgiving meal,” said Jeffries. “Scholars, I hope you feel all the love and appreciation that is in this room today.”
Jeffries called on students to administrators to offer quick moments of reflections.
“I am grateful for the amazing support system that I have here, and for them always believing in me,” said senior Rickale Green.
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to see your faces this afternoon, and to be able to serve you is my great pleasure,” said Minor.
“I’m thankful for a good community of teachers, like Mr. Neumeyer,” said freshman Jarrell James. “I wasn’t expecting anything like this. It was really nice.”
At the conclusion of the luncheon, CHS resource teacher said to students, “You can thank everyone wearing an orange apron.” Laktzian and CHS nurse Marquita Holton were the CHS Thanksgiving Day meal coordinators.
“If it weren’t for you students, we wouldn’t have a reason to be here and to do what we do,” added Laktzian. “We appreciate each and every one of you.”
Other CHS members working the meal included Liza Cummings, PhD; Mildred Fort, Agathe Ilunga, Ron Irving, Sajiyah Jalil, Hope Jordan, Greg Laktzian, Tomisha Montgomery, Bridget Nelson, Colin Neumeyer, Stephanie Newton, Shawn Roundtree, Carolyn Stewart, Johnathan Tate and Aaron Vance.
The SIUE Charter High School is a school-of-choice for families in the East St. Louis School District 189. The mission of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School is to prepare students who are career- and college-ready upon graduation. To achieve this mission, the school and its staff will positively impact the educational and economic lives of East St. Louis, Illinois youth through individualized instruction in core academic subjects, exploration of career interests and aptitudes, assistance in realizing students’ talents, high academic goals, and expectations that graduates will become competitive employees for the 21st century.
(L-R): CHS Director Gina Jeffries, EdD, welcomes students back to the school’s traditional Thanksgiving Day luncheon meal as CHS teacher Mildred Ford (right) and her son and Associate Athletics Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Athletics Chief Diversity Officer Venessa A. Brown; PhD (background) listens. CHS senior Rickale Green gives thanks for the great staff at the CHS.
SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning Nate Williams, PhD, slices into turkey as SIUE Chancellor James T. Minor, PhD, observes.
(L-R): CHS guidance counselor Tomisha Montgomery serves a student and CHS social worker Shawn Roundtree sets a plate down for another student. In the background CHS technician Ronald Irvin has his hands full with two plates.
CHS students were treated to more than 20 servers during the school’s annual Thanksgiving Day luncheon meal.