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School of Business

Quantitative Literacy Support Center

SIUE School of Business

Quantitative Literacy Support Center

"Don't worry about your difficulties in mathematics; I can assure you that mine are still greater."

- Albert Einstein

Welcome to the SIUE School of Business Quantitative Literacy Support Center

The mission of the Quantitative Literacy Support Center (QLSC) is to improve quantitative skills vital to the School of Business curriculum and your future careers. This website is but one step toward the ultimate goal of the QLSC: To provide students a "quantitative literacy toolbox" for both coursework throughout the undergraduate business programs and long-term career success.

Quantitative Literacy is the ability to formulate, evaluate, and communicate conclusions and inferences from quantitative information. In the School of Business, we expect our students to (1) think quantitatively, (2) implement quantitative analysis competently, (3) interpret and evaluate results thoughtfully, and (4) communicate results effectively. We intend to grow the QLSC into a go-to place for students and faculty for all tools necessary (definitions and examples, skills inventory, assessment, resources, and more) to develop quantitative literacy skills.

The navigational buttons at left can be used to map your previous progress and current needs as you utilize quantitative skills throughout your coursework and access further information to bring your skills up to par.

If you have questions or comments about the material provided on this QLSC website, contact Dr. Andrea Hester at

"SIUe School of Business grads have a solid foundation in communication and group project skills. To have an even greater advantage above the rest of the crowd, students need to sharpen their quantitative skills."

-STL Hiring Manager

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