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You Can Make a Difference  
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   Linda Markowitz: Sociology
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No Idling
Many of us do not have the option of finding alternatives to cars to get from one place to another. You can still contribute by turning off your engines when you are not moving. Car idling leads to global warming, but more importantly, it is linked to increased asthma, allergies and heart disease. Indeed, Madison County requires that buses idle no more than 10 minutes because the county fails its environmental report card every year.
Easy steps to stop idling:
1) Avoid drive-throughs
2) Go inside to pick up your child
3) Use ten second rule: turn it off after ten seconds.
4) Don't leave pets, children or people in the car when it's too hot or cold.

Walking and Biking
Since exercise leads to longevity and a healthier life, think about walking or biking to work.
Public Transportation
If you are trying to save money, public transportation is the answer.
Alternative to Gas Cars
Some people can convert their own cars to alternative fuel sources. Car companies, however, are now being pressured to consider alternatives.




Carbon Footprint
Calculate your carbon footprint

SIUE Sustainability
Find out what's happening around SIUE Campus.

Madison County:
What's our Environmental Report Card?