International Students Honored at SIUE Graduation Celebration

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Office of International Affairs kicked off the University’s graduation celebrations during a special event held Friday, Dec. 2 that honored the achievements and hard work of fall 2022 international student graduates.
"This is a special, meaningful event for international students. It provides an opportunity to pause and feel a sense of accomplishment in finishing a degree,” said Mary Weishaar, PhD, executive director of the Office of International Affairs.
The number of international students at SIUE continues to grow. SIUE welcomed a record number of new international students to campus in fall 2022, with approximately 400 students from over 30 countries. In total, international enrollment includes nearly 850 students.

“I am hopeful that graduating students will take time to thank their mentors, including faculty members, International Hospitality Program families, staff members and family, for their support during this journey,” Weishaar added. “Graduating international students will represent SIUE worldwide and become international ambassadors of SIUE forever."
Photos: International students are honored at a graduation ceremony hosted by the Office of International Affairs.
(L-R) Tiwari Priyanka, master’s accounting student from Nepal, and Executive Director of the Office of International Affairs Mary Weishaar, PhD.