Changes in Anthropology
Posted September 14, 2018
As we launch a new school year, the SIUE Anthropology Department is a hubbub of activity as always. First, we hope you like the look of our new webpage! It's mobile-friendly, so you can keep tuned in all the time now.
We have also had some major personnel changes in Anthropology in recent months. Our Chair since 2012, Professor Jennifer Rehg, was promoted to Asssociate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, a position which she assumed on July 1, 2018. We are sorry to lose a great teacher and our favorite primatologist, but the Dean's office is awfully lucky to have her. We are grateful to Jen for her years of dedicated service to Anthropology, and we wish her the best. You can read more about her new job here. We are happy to announce that Dr.Cory Willmott was promoted to Professor and Chair of Anthropology on July 1. Of course we wish her the best also!
Finally, we are really happy to announce that we have a new Anthropology Teaching Lab, Peck 0405. The old lab, Peck 0403, is now the Anthropology Research Lab. As the name would suggest, the old lab is now dedicated to research, although there are a few classes that will be offered there, and the room is still the unofficial home of the SIUE Anthropology Club. Peck 0403B has become Dr. Corey Ragsdale's Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology Lab. We look forward to all the great research he and his students will accomplish in this space!
On that note, Dr. Ragsdale has just had a book chapter come out - the book is Bioarchaeology of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Check it ou! Or buy it! Corey states, and I quote, "Turns out Aztec biology matches what they claimed to be..."
And here are Dr. Balasundaram and students in our new Anthropology Teaching Lab, Peck 0405: