Bluff Hall Newsletter

This Week in Bluff Hall!

Bluff Announcements
University Housing Announcements
Important Housing Information
Canadian Geese Information
Student Success
Apply to be a Cougar Guide!
Around the "e"
Black Women Empowerment Group
Career Development Center
Volunteers Needed for Spring Career Fair
Health and Safety Tips

Bluff Announcements

Study Tables

Bluff Hall study tables will be from 4:00-6:00pm on Monday and Wednesday nights in the LRC (end of the activity wing).

University Housing Announcements

Spring Break

Bluff Hall closes for Spring Break at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 8th, 2019.

Please take all personal items that you will need over the break with you. 

Residents will NOT be permitted to enter the building during break.  

You do NOT need to take everything home with you!

If you have a class conflict during the break period, you must contact Bluff Hall Community Director, Garrett McAlister by Wednesday, March 6th.  Garrett can be contacted in the Bluff Hall Office, at, or 650-0579.

The residence halls will reopen at 10 a.m. on Sunday, March 17, 2019.

University Housing staff will enter residents’ rooms at 5 p.m. on March 8th to verify that all students have vacated.  Staff will also be doing Cleaning and Safety Inspections when they enter the room.

UHFM staff may enter living units during break to address any facility concerns and to complete any necessary preventative maintenance.

Before you leave, don’t forget to:

  • Clean your room and your bathroom.
  • Unplug everything (including for your refrigerator-defrost it first!)
  • Take all trash to the trash room.
  • Turn the heat on low.
  • Close and lock your windows.
    • Please move your furniture away from the window area, so housing staff can easily access the window to confirm it is shut and locked.
  • Close your shades only half way (the window latch should be visible).
  • Turn off room/bathroom lights.
  • Shut and lock room/bathroom door.

Important Housing Information

Looking for an on-campus job this Spring or Summer?

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) has several Student Maintenance Worker and 1 Student Grounds Worker positions still available for the Spring semester and will also hire for Summer.  If interested, please visit: to apply.

As a Student Maintenance Worker you would cleaning hallways, breezeways, offices, restrooms, and laundries plus recycling and trash removal. 

If you love working outdoors, the other role is for a Student Grounds Workerwhich entails raking leaves, removal of landscape, picking up trash, equipment clean up, mulch placement, and snow removal.  For this role you must have a valid driver’s license.

If interested, please visit: to apply.  Please note our office hours are 7:00AM-3:30PM.

Policies – YOU NEED TO KNOW!

As a resident of Bluff Hall, you are responsible for knowing the information, policies, procedures, and deadlines that are contained in the University Housing Living Guide. To access the living guide, go to:

Facilities Issue?  Put in a workorder!

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) is the unit assigned to the development and maintenance of University Housing facilities and grounds. UHFM is responsible for repairing housing units, care of the grounds surrounding housing facilities, performs snow removal, maintains the cleanliness of common areas and offices in University Housing buildings, oversees pest control and much more.

In the event of any building or grounds related issues, Students need to initiate the repair by submitting a Maintenance Request to University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM). UHFM responds to student initiated repair requests as a first priority.  To complete a work order, click HERE!!!

Canadian Geese Information

It’s Canadian Geese Nesting Season!

Some things to know about the Canadian Goose… 

  • Resident Canadian geese are well-adapted to human dominated landscapes
  • They nest in a variety of locales – some in very close proximity to people
  • Goose nests occur near:
    • Sidewalks
    • Entryways of homes and buildings
    • Adjacent to paths and roadways
    • Balconies, porches and rooftops
    • Nesting season occurs as early as late February through mid-may
    • Both birds of the pair attend to the nest
      • A single goose that appears to be “patrolling” an area may indicate that a nest is in the vicinity

The behavior of nesting geese to humans varies tremendously.  Some nesting geese readily flee when approached by humans whereas other geese will stand their ground to defend the nest.  Some geese will actually attack approaching humans by running or flying at them.

Goose behavior during nest defense consists of geese standing erect and/or spreading their wings to make themselves appear larger while loudly hissing.  The defense behavior can be daunting.  Attacking geese will often try to strike their perceived nest predator with their wings and/or will bite.

Here are some helpful tips regarding geese:

  • DO NOT THROW ITEMS AT THEM – they my see this as a threat and attack
  • Do not be afraid of them
  • Continue to face them
  • Never turn your back on them or run away from them

What to do if you come across aggressive geese:

  • Call UHFM (University Housing Facilities Management) Office at 618-650-2070 to report it
  • Be specific with date/time/location of incident
  • If an issue appears to be an emergency and/or someone is injured, call 911 or contact the SIUE Police non-emergency number 618-650-3324


University Housing will work closely with Facilities Management regarding aggressive geese around housing facilities.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact University Housing Facilities Management at 618-650-2070.

Student Success

Apply to be a Cougar Guide!

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is seeking well-rounded students to participate in the development and implementation of the SIUE Experience Program as Cougar Guides. Cougar Guides will play a key role in the transition of new students by guiding and leading them through their first days at SIUE. Cougar Guides will have the opportunity to build relationships and interact with university staff and faculty, while leading a team of students beginning their SIUE journey. Individuals selected will serve as role models and mentors to incoming SIUE students, and will be responsible for making the SIUE Experience informative and fun for student participants. For more information, visit one of our tabling sessions in the MUC or residence halls, or visit our website at!

Applications due: March 17th!

Around the "e"

CAB Trivia Night is February 26th!

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is honored to invite all student organizations and all SIUE students to CAB’s Trivia Night. Trivia Night is full of wits, fun, food, and prizes. Our campus tournament, is Tuesday, February 26th at 7pm in the MUC Conference Center in which food, drinks, and prizes will be provided. Prizes include $300 for first place, $200 for second, and $100 for third. We will also have attendance prize drawings. The grand attendance prize for the event is a Samsonite 5-piece luggage set! Fill out an application today:

Free Tickets to Dr. Keelings Curve!

Free tickets at the MUC Welcome Desk for Dr. Keeling’s Curve! The actor from M*A*S*H and Providence, Mike Farrell, plays Dr. Charles David Keeling, the quirky and brilliant scientist whose research on carbon dioxide (CO2) gave the world its first early warnings of global warming. See it Friday, March 1st, at 7:30pm, in the Dunham Hall Theater. More info at”

Update your Cougar Card Today!

Current Students may get an updated Cougar Card with phone numbers for Campus Police and Health/Counseling Services.

  • WHEN:  February 25th thru March 8th
  • WHERE:  Service Center (Rendleman Hall, Room 1309) during regular office hours (M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm)
  • COST: 
    • NO COST to the student, if an existing working card is surrendered. *
    • Students who want a new photo will be charged $5 with the surrender of an existing card.
    • If no card is surrendered, a $15 lost card fee will be charged.
* Compliments of Student Affairs.

Black Women Empowerment Group

Career Development Center

Please stop by and check out the Career Development Center located in the basement of the Student Success Center, room 0281.  We can help you with your resume, cover letters, job search, LinkedIn accounts, graduate school personal statements/application, mock interviews, and much more.

Upcoming Spring 2019 Events

Spring Career Fair

March 6    College of Arts and Science, School of Business, and

                     ALL non-teaching degrees

March 7    School of Engineering

BOTH DAYS located in Meridian Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Professional attire required and bring copies of your resume!

A list of attending employers can be found on the CDC website:

 ** Student Volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the CDC at 618-650-3708.

Education Career Fair

Tuesday, March 19

3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

MUC 2nd Floor Conference Center

Professional attire required and bring copies of your resume!

A list of attending employers can be found on the CDC website:

** Student Volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the CDC at 618-650-3708.

**Call to RSVP to attend these events.

SIUE Career Development Center


Remember that you can search for full-time and co-op/internships on the Cougar Jobline.

Volunteers Needed for Spring Career Fair

Would you like a chance to network with employers before or after the career fair?

The Career Development Center has a great volunteer opportunity for students to help at the career fair.  This gives students a chance to network with employers before and after the career fair. Students get a chance to make that first impression or leave that lasting impression with employers.  Students will be helping employers with a variety of tasks like helping employers in from the parking lot, walking employers to their career fair table, showing them where everything in located, working the registration tables, and helping them pack everything up at the end of the career fair. 

Volunteers are needed for the below dates and times:
March 6  
Spring Career Fair
8:15-10:30 a.m. and/or 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and/or 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

March 7

Spring Career Fair
8:15-10:30 a.m. and/or 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and/or 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Carrie Smolar at csmolar@siue.eduPlease put in the body of your email the date(s) and time(s) that you would like to volunteer.  If you have any questions, please call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.

Health and Safety Tips

Need help at the touch of a button? 

Download SIUE Safe, the free Rave Guardian personal safety app that allows you to notify guardians you select if you need assistance.  Guardians can include University Police, your parents or your friends.  For more information, call 618-650-3324 or to download the app, visit