Recent Publications ( students):

Retzlaff, W.A., M.A. Arthur, N.E. Grulke, D.A.Weinstein, and B. Gollands. 2000. Use of a single-tree simulation model to predict the effects of ozone and drought on growth of a white fir tree. Tree Physiol 20:195-202

Williams, L.E., W.A. Retzlaff, W. Yang, P. Biscay, and N. Ebisuda. 2000. The effect of girdling on leaf gas exchange, water status, and non-structural carbohydrates of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Flame Seedless). Am J Enol Vitic 51:49-54

Constable, J.V.H. and W.A. Retzlaff. 2000. Assymetric day/night temperature elevation: implications for growth of yellow-poplar and loblolly pine using simulation modeling. For Sci 46:248-257

Laurence, J.A., W.A. Retzlaff, J.S. Kern, E.H. Lee, W.E. Hogsett, and D.A. Weinstein. 2001. Predicting the regional impact of ozone and precipitation on the growth of loblolly pine and yellow-poplar using linked TREGRO and ZELIG models. For Ecol Mgmt 146:247-263

Weinstein, D.A., B. Gollands, and W.A. Retzlaff. 2001. The effects of ozone on a lower slope forest of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park: simulations linking an individual tree model to a stand model. For Sci 47:29-42

Retzlaff, W.A., G.K. Blaisdell, and M.A. Topa. 2001. Seasonal changes in water source of four families of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Trees 15:154-162

Retzlaff, W.A., J.A. Handest , D.M. O’Malley, S.E. McKeand, and M.A. Topa. 2001. Whole-tree biomass and carbon allocation of four families from two diverse provenances of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Can J For Res 31:960-970

Grulke, N.E. and W.A. Retzlaff. 2001. Changes in physiological attributes from seedlings to mature ponderosa pine. Tree Physiol 21:275-286

Grulke, N.E., H.K. Preisler, C.C. Fan, and W.A. Retzlaff. 2002. A statistical approach to estimate ozone uptake of ponderosa pine in a mediterranean climate. Environ Pollut 119:163-175